Chapter 4

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      Not long after Joshua called I felt the tell-tale sign of powerful wolves that instantly had my own wolf surfacing. Joshua turned to me and said, "Just please don't freak out OK?" He then proceeded to hop out of the car to greet the Alpha and Beta of the Blood Rose pack. I sighed feeling more confused then ever and jumped out the car slamming the door behind me. We were in a clearing just outside the border lands of Pack territories. I took a moment to take the natural beauty of the place. I made a mental note of this place as one the places I could go to whenever I needed a break.

      I turned back in time to see an eight foot tall wolf and a slightly smaller one walk out from the woods. The biggest wolf, whom I assumed to be Alpha by his size and the amount of power radiating from him, looked at us once in acknowledgment and turned and disappeared behind a bush. I leaned against the nearest tree and pulled out a switch blade and started twirling it around my fingers. The Beta, I again assumed, went on full alert. I snorted, I had only taken out the blade to keep my hands entertained, nothing more, but I found it thoroughly amusing how this poor excuse of a Beta quickly assumed I had produced it for malicious purposes. I shook my head and look toward Joshua who, to anyone else, looked like he was expressionless, but knowing him so well I could see the faint amusement lying just beneath the surface as well as a range of other emotions such as nervousness and pain and even a hint of relief. I narrowed my eyes at him slightly letting him know that we were going to have a pretty serious chat and soon. In all the time I had known him Joshua never ever looked as insecure as he did at this moment in time.

      A rustling sound coming from near the Beta that had my head snapping in his direction and my five senses on full alert. I calmed down slightly when I saw that it was only the Alpha coming out from behind the bush in his human form. He looked to be about 21 -in appearance but I knew he could have easily been up to 300 years old - with midnight black hair a shocking set of turquoise blue eyes. He was also tall around 6'5, and built like a mountain. Although I had never seen him in my life there was little voice nagging me in the back of my mind telling me that he looked familiar, but for the life of me I couldn't figure out from where. The Alpha looked to me with a arched brow nodding in the direction of my blade as if to say 'Really?'. I only shrugged, twirled the knife around once more, flipped It closed and shoved it in my back pocket. The Alpha shook his head seemingly amused. I scoffed if he only knew I could kill in 5 seconds flat with that very blade. He gazed lingered on my form for a couple more seconds before he snapped his head in Joshua's direction as if just realizing he was standing there. I saw a flood of emotion play across his features before his face went blank and he opened his mouth to say, " Long time no see,eh?"

      " It has hasn't it, Father?" Joshua replied. I felt my eyes go wide with shock before I quickly made my face go blank. My head was reeling with new thoughts. Was this why Joshua said not to freak out? It then hit me why the Alpha looked so familiar. I felt kind of stupid for not figuring it out sooner. Joshua was the spitting image of his father after all.

      " Care to make introductions Joshua?" I asked in a cold voice.

    "Joshua?" The clueless look on the Alphas face would have been entertaining if it wasn't for seriousness of the situation.

     " Yes, 'Joshua' " I snapped at the Alpha. He instantly took that as a challenge and growled at me his eyes turning an obsidian black.

      "There is no 'Joshua' here," he bit out through clenched teeth.

     I smirked at him "Nice to know that you don't even remember your own son's name."

    "Enough!" Joshua bellowed. He shot me a warning look before turning to his father. "Can we discuss this situation somewhere more private?" He shot a look at the Beta who up until that moment I had forgotten was there. He was standing glued to his spot staring at Jacob with his mouth hanging open. The look on his face was truly comical. I walked up behind the Beta - who thankfully hadn't seen me coming - and shouted in his ear. He jumped three feet in the air with a little yelp and then turned to me growling and snapping his jaws in my direction. By then though I was already once again leaning against the same tree as before laughing my butt off. I turned to look at Joshua who was doing a terrible job of smothering his laughter behind his hand.

    "Don't get your fur all knotted up. Its not my fault your a terrible Beta and arn't aware of your surroundings. See if I wanted to I could have killed you and you probably wouldnt have known what had happened." I snickered.

      Joshua's dad cleared his throat, " Unfortunately I agree with her Zachary," he said begrudgingly .

      "OK!" I said. " I don't feel like spending my whole life out here and I really need to pee so can we please go somewhere else to talk?"

      "Yes we can." said the Alpha, " I now grant you permission to enter my lands."

    " Thank Luna, " I muttered and started walking back to the car. "You coming Josh?'' I heard him grunt once and the heard the unmistakable sound of footsteps following me. I hopped into the car , waited for Joshua to hop into the passenger side of the car before pulling up next to the Alpha. ''Lead the way."

      He nodded at me once before shifting into his charcoal colored wolf. He then proceeded to run in front of the car. I made sure that all the windows were up and locked the doors to the car. As soon as I locked the door I felt safe talking again. The reason I felt safe as because i had something specially installed in the car that made the car soundproof as soon as I locked the doors. I took deep measured breaths before I calmly began talking. "So Joshua how are you feeling right now?"

      "Good?" I came out more as a question than an answer so I glanced over at him. He was looking at me worriedly and a bit confused.

      "Nice to know. So I was wondering.....WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THIS WAS YOUR FATHER'S TERRITORY?" I yelled as Josh's face turned to one of awe. 

     His hand grabbed my face and tilted my chin upwards as if inspecting my face. At this point he was really starting to scare me, " What? What is it Joshua?" 

     "Your eyes," he said sounding almost breathless

************************************************************************************************************Sorry far any mistakes this is unedited 

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