Chapter 6

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   The ‘house’, if it could even be called that, was a sprawling estate that towered over 3 stories high. It had lush gardens and beautiful statues. Everywhere you looked there were different types of flowers. One flower that was quite a ways from the others caught my interest. Depending on where you looked at it from it looked iridescent. There was a slight nagging in the back of my head warning me that the flower looked familiar.

   My eight year old self was running through the woods eagerly seeking out any form of adventure. Not watching where she was going she tripped over a large root sticking out of the earth. Her hands and knees were scraped and bruised on account of her fall, but that didn't worry her at all, they’d heal in a couple of seconds. What had captured her attention was a gorgeous flower blooming in the middle of the woods a couple paces ahead.


   Naturally as any other 8 year old girl she was curious about the beautiful object. Quickly getting off of her hands and knees she brushed off and lingering pieces of earth. She glanced down at her self and to her dismay her pants were ripped at the knees but on the other hand she was all healed. She sighed and quickly turned her wandering attention back on the mysterious flower. She walked over to it and gently, very gently as if handling a newborn pup she pulled the flower out of the dirt. She noticed that the flower seemed to have opened up a little more with her touch and if possible it was even glowing a little also. She giggled in childish delight.


   She got up and ran to her house as fast as she could without jostling the flower too much. “Mommy! Mommy!” she yelled as soon as she saw her house approaching. “Look! Look! Look what I found in the woods today!”


   Her mother was, as she liked to think, the most beautiful thing in the world. With ebony hair that was always mixed with different colors and was never strictly one color, eyes a beautiful serene blue always calm and with a joy and mirth shining in them as well as love. Saha thought she was the luckiest girl in the world to have such a beautiful mommy.  “Oh my! That certainly is a beautiful flower,” her mom answered with a radiant grin.


   Sasha giggled in delight before holding out the flower that was cupped in her hands. “ Mommy do you know what it is?” she asked,her eyes were wide and filled with innocence and curiosity. Her mommy had to know. She was so smart and knew so much about plants.


   “Do you want to know a secret?” Her mom asked in a whisper?


   Sasha bounced on the heels of her feet, “Yes,Yes, I do mommy!”


   Her mom leaned in close to her ear and whispered, “Its the goddesses flower and it only comes out to those who are truly worthy in times of good fortune and new beginnings.”


   Sasha suckes in a sharp breath and glanced down at the beautiful object in her hands. She was in awe of it and her little eight year old mind could not even really begin to process what her mom was explaining to her. She looked at her mom who was looking at her wistfully, “ Can i keep it mommy? Please?”


   Her mom laughed, the birds twittered as if in response to the beautiful sound emanating from the mothers vocal chords, “Tell you what my little Goddess,” she said smiling happily at her daughter, “why don't we plant it in front of the house that way we can share your amazing discovery with the whole pack and make them happy also. Would you like that?”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2013 ⏰

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