23. Gone Missing

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Mckelty's P.O.V.

As I stand in the middle of the hallway, I watch as Declan begins to slip back into his old ways, as he starts to walk toward Cleo's room after her. I grab him by the arm, he turns and looks at me, I shake my head.

"Julian, take Parker back upstairs. This issue is going to take time to resolve itself." I say, Julian looks at me and nods.

"I'm not going anywhere, not until someone tells me what was said in order for all of this to happen." Parker sternly says as he pulls his arm away from Julian's hand.

"Parker, listen to me. What your sister was called, is one of the most derogatory, degrading names a wolf could be called. It's so bad, that it isn't worth repeating." I say, to try and get him to leave the matter alone. But, he shakes his head and stays put. I roll my eyes and shake my head.

"Fine, you really want to know that bad?" I ask, Parker nods his head, I don't look at Declan to make sure its alright for me to tell Parker, I just tell him.

"Zane called Cleo a breeder." I say, and watch as Parker's eyes go wide, a range of emotions pass through Parker's eyes. First shock, then sadness, and finally anger.

"No one calls my momma that, and gets away with it." Parker says as he walks between the three of us, I look at him puzzled.

"Parker, hey where do you think your going?" I ask him, he turns to look at me and his eyes are a piercing green color.

"I'm gonna go teach Zane a little lesson about respect." Parker says, Julian steps behind Parker, blocking his path. I look at Parker with worried eyes.

"We know you want to teach him a lesson. But, he's still bigger than you. He'll knock you out before you have a chance to put your fists up." I tell him, Parker shakes his head and his eyes begin to glow brighter.

"I've been training a fair amount, I'm pretty sure I can take him." Parker says, I smirk at him and shake my head.

"We know you've been training, but this isn't a fight for you to get involved in." Julian tells him, Parker looks between myself and Julian, then shrugs his shoulders.

"A runt like you shouldn't even get involved in adult matters anyway." Declan says, I look and see his eyes are bright blue, indicating that Lumis is in control.

"Wow, and I was starting to give you the benefit of the doubt, with all the stories going around about how you used to be. But, now I see the stories are all true. You only hide behind the shy goodie two shoes mask, when in reality your just as bad as you were before finding out Cleo was your mate. I wouldn't be surprised if she was in her room debating as to whether or not to reject you and go on the run. We haven't gotten our brands yet, so rejecting the pack and going on the run is still an option." Parker says, then turns around and heads toward Cleo's room.

"Now you've really done it. I hope your happy, because of how you acted, they might leave. Do you really want that? You know what, don't even bother with answering that." I say as I turn and walk away from Declan and Julian.

Walking back to the stairs, I go up them and onto the second floor. I head straight for the fitness room and get on the treadmill. Running helps me keep my mind clear. Especially with stressful situations, like the one we've got going on now.

I hear the door to the fitness room open, and see Julian walk in and get on the treadmill next to me. He stays quiet for a while, before the silence gets to be too much for him.

"I know your either fuming or plotting something, so which is it?" He asks as I increase the treadmills speed.

"I haven't the slightest idea of what you are talking about." I say as I increase the incline difficulty. Julian looks at me and raises an eyebrow at me.

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