Chapter 26

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Nik feels an unsettling presence hovering over him. He waits, hoping it will fade but it doesn't. He slowly cracks one eye open and is met with the wide eyes of a curvy angel. He sits up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and stretching. As he stretches, his shirt lifts up just enough to show off that delicious V that trails down past the waistband of his pants. Nik catches her staring and just chuckles. 

"What are you doing Jane? It isn't polite to watch people while they sleep or to undress them with your eyes when they are awake."

"I wasn't watching. I was just waiting. I woke up a little while ago and made scrambled eggs and toast. I came up to see if you wanted any, but you looked so peaceful. I didn't want to wake you," Jane sputters, biting her lip to hide her embarrassment. 

"Okay, whatever you say. Anyway, I could eat. What time is it?" Nik scratches his chest and smooths his bed head into some kind of presentable style. 

"It's almost noon."

"I'm glad you decided to sleep in on at least one of your vacation days. I feel like you haven't been giving yourself enough rest."

"Well, I would probably sleep easier if someone wasn't always trying to undress me in bed. At least I have the decency to do it in my mind." Jane sticks her tongue out and skips out of the room. Nik hates to see her go, but he loves to watch her leave. After storing the memory of her incredible body in his mind, he gets out of bed and jogs to catch up to her. 


After breakfast, or lunch? the two get dressed and head out for day two of tourist-ing. Jane decides that since half of the day is already over, they need to spend the rest of the day getting as much fun in as humanly possible, so they go to Santa Monica Pier. Jane wears a cute little sun dress and sunhat combo. Nik just wears a muscle shirt and jeans. 

They spend the whole day riding rides, eating treats, and then riding more rides. Unfortunately, riding a roller coaster after eating a ton of caramel corn is not the brightest idea so they take a  break for a short while and stroll down the pier, just taking in the sights and sounds of the ocean. Jane hasn't had this much fun since she was a tween. Nik is just happy to be dragged along and to watch her enjoy herself. 

The sun left ages ago, leaving the couple in darkness. Fortunately, the pier lights up like crazy at night. They do one last stroll up and down the pier and are about to head out before Jane realizes they never went on the ferris wheel. So of course, they have to hit that last attraction before their time at the pier comes to a close. 

They wait in line until it is their turn to ride. They enter the carriage, each sitting opposite of the other person, knees touching due to lack of space. Jane peers down at all of the people below. They look like specs. Little tiny dots far far away. They reach the top, and the ferris wheel pauses for a few minutes. Jane shivers, goosebumps covering her exposed arms and legs.  

"It's kinda chilly up here. But it's so beautiful that freezing my ass off is 100% worth it." 

"Can't have you turning into an ice cube on me now can I?" Nik grabs the short female, pulling her onto his lap, wrapping his strong arms around her. He rubs her thighs, trying to help the goosebumps go away. It does the exact opposite. Jane grabs onto his hands to stop them from exciting her further. "What?"

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