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This is pre-amphibia by the way! also thanks for the help .stevonnieee (follow them on tt :))


"Beep..! "


Marcy slammed her hand against her alarm frantically to stop it. She grabbed her phone from the night stand and rubbed her eyes drowsily. She blinked a few times to adjust to the bright light on her phone screen. Before staring at her phone.

"School starts in 10 minutes? Did I really sleep past all those alarms again?!" She says out loud out of pure shock, before picking herself up out of bed and quickly grabbing her uniform.

She starts to dash towards her bathroom before she trips over her own foot. 'How does that even happen.' She thought to herself before swiftly standing back up and brushing herself off.

Then she quickly brushes her raven colored hair and then her teeth. She gets her clothes on which was a green skirt and short sleeved top with a collar. She throws her gray sweatshirt on over her top and puts her loose white socks on. Marcy then slides her shoes over her socks and grabs her backpack with more games then school related materials. Then she bolts out the door and starts her journey to school.

Time skip..

At school,

Marcy sees Sasha at her locker inside the building, near the front. She then approaches her.

"Where's Anne?" Marcy asks curiously, wondering where her friend could be even considering she's almost late herself.

"Late?" Marcy says, replying to herself.

"Late." Sasha says answering the high spirited girls questions.

"Hmm, she's almost never late though." Marcy wonders out loud.

"Doesn't matter to me, probably being a 'mama's girl' again, catch you later Marce I am going to class." Sasha says with a small scoff before turning around and walking to her class.

Marcy nods and smiles slightly before grabbing her stuff.

'What's up with Sasha today, she seems extra..well..grouchy?' Marcy thinks to herself.

Marcy had always known Sasha was a little manipulative, or toxic, but it never seems to bother Anne so she pretended it was fine. Besides Marcy and Sasha were friends for awhile, so she didn't want to ruin that.

Marcy was cut off by her thoughts about Sasha once she hears her phone ding. She wonders who it could be before taking the device out of her pocket. She holds her phone in front of her, which has a war of warlocks phone case Anne made her, and ponders the screen to see who it is then sees a familiar name. 'Oh, it's Anne!' Marcy thinks to herself with a big grin on her face.

She picks up the call request and holds it up to her ear.

"Hey Mars sorry I'm not at school, I had to stay back for a bit to help my parents with the restaurant." Anne said from the other line.

"It's alright Anna-Banana! , since you're not sick..maybe we could hangout later?" Marcy asks, almost almost a little reluctantly.

"Sure! We can go to my place once you're done with school. I can just walk over to the school building.. and we can walk back to my house." Anne says, making up the plan halfway through.

"Of course, you can be like my little escort." Marcy replies playfully.

Anne lets out a small giggle. "Alrighty Marbles, see you then." Anne says in a cheerful tone before hanging up.

Marcy turns off her phone and puts it back in her pocket before running off to her class as well, the halls were empty. 'Oh crud this is going to be the fifth time in these past two weeks! Or wait maybe six-" She was cut off by the realization she had reached her destination.

"Miss. Wu." Said Marcy's teacher in a firm tone.

Marcy had flinched a tiny bit at the teachers harsh yet controlled tone.

"You are late again, it's come to the point where you need punishments. You have detention for one week. Now sit." She says.

"But I have stuff to do later!" Marcy says, protesting against her teachers decision knowing it most likely won't do anything.

"No buts, sit now." The teacher says even scarier then before.

Marcy said no more and slumped down in her seat. The class was so boring, especially since it was stuff Marcy had already known. And if it wasn't for her video games that she snuck in her bag, she would have fallen asleep ages ago.

Okay that's it for this chapter.. I hope you liked it to anyone who's reading this,,, also give recommendations.

I used 772 words total this chapter.

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