4 ~ Bolts and Wires

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You still matter

Even if you're somebody who can't escape the feeling that the world's passed you by

You still matter

If you never get around to doing some remarkable thing

That doesn't mean that you're not worth remembering.

Lyrics from "Disappear" from Dear Evan Hansen

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Lyrics from "Disappear" from Dear Evan Hansen

*about 4-5 years after the events of Prophecy*

A flickering light caught Cypress's attention. She slowly approached the square mirror hanging on her bedroom wall, reaching up to touch where she saw the glow. Her fingers grazed the glass where her right eye was hidden beneath mounds of her dark, curly hair. Cypress blinked, watching the shine of her eye shift from sky blue to yellow. It flickered until it was almost gone, sending a warning message throughout her system. After that, it returned to its normal hue.

     Cypress responded to the low-battery message by pulling more hair over her eye and hoping her parents wouldn't notice anything was wrong. There was no way she'd confess to her eye light going out. That would mean she'd have to leave the apartment to go shopping. Shopping meant she'd have to show herself to the public. If there was anything Cypress hated, it was going out in public.

     So many eyes would be on her. Everyone would see past her futile attempts at disguise and judge her for something she couldn't control. Cypress didn't remember much of her life before the accident. The only clear thing that stood out about the accident was that it was bad enough where she had needed cybernetic attachments to survive. The operation had been done in such a hurry that the doctors hadn't installed skin grafting, which meant Cypress was stuck looking exactly like what she was. Not exactly human, yet not exactly robotic either. A freak. A monster. An outcast.

     A knock on her bedroom door sent Cypress into a tizzy. She lurched backwards in surprise, bumping into her nightstand and knocking over a neatly-stacked pile of novels onto the ground. She scrambled over to her dresser to find a hat, a headband, or something that would cover the flickering eye.

     Her mother opened the door before she could find one.

     "Cy, Zane just messaged me and communicated that he has arrived in a safe conditi—what are you doing?" PIXAL squinted, narrowing her own bright green eyes. A single fleck in her left one had completely gone out, a sign of hope for Cypress that maybe her mother would agree to go shopping for eye lights without her.

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