Chapter Five - Death Sentence

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Chapter Five
Death Sentence

The road was completely blocked up by an entire fleet of soldiers as well as at least two tanks and a couple of heavy duty trucks. The soldiers were already surging towards our car, having already reached the car Rocky was driving before us.

"What do we do?" cried Candice.

"There's nothing we can do," replied Nigel in a hollow voice.

The car fell silent. The only sounds that filled my ears from that point onwards were the rapid breaths of those around me and the crunching of the soldier's boots as they got closer to the car. My heart had never beaten so fast in its life.

It wasn't long before the first soldier reached the car, yanking open the door and beckoning us out with his loaded gun. We all stepped out one by one, with Jen and I helping the still unconscious Jordy out of the vehicle. As soon as we'd stepped out onto the road Jordy was taken from us and into one of the nearby trucks, while the rest of us were handcuffed and separated.

These could possibly be my last moments alive. The soldiers knew exactly who we were and what we'd just accomplished. I wasn't sure why they hadn't already started shooting at us. Perhaps they were going to be doing it one by one, execution style.

The soldier who'd cuffed me called something foreign to a nearby soldier, who appeared to be the leader. They had a short exchange of words, before I was dragged to the same heavy duty van that they'd thrown Jordy in and thrown inside.

I watched as the rest of the group was escorted past the truck I was in, being taken to the other lot of vans. Being here with Jordy wouldn't have been so bad if she was conscious, but the fact that she wasn't made me very vulnerable.

Just when I thought that we'd all been completely separated, Jamie was thrown into the truck and the back doors were slammed shut. We were in almost complete darkness, except for the small windows at the back of the prison van, letting a small amount of moonlight in.

"Where are they taking us?" I asked, feeling slightly calmer with Jamie here.

"My guess is as good as yours," he replied, setting himself down close to me.

"If they were going to kill us they would have done it by now right?" I asked.

"Yes and no," he answered. "Maybe they're taking us to the school for execution to set some sort of example. We haven't dealt with these soldiers personally to know what they're capable of."

"I saw them shoot an innocent man in the head back at the school," I told him. "All he was doing was getting impatient and they shot him without warning."

"Well in that case, I'm glad I get to spend some of my final hours with you," he smiled.

He craned his head over to mine and softly brushed his lips against mine, causing my body to shiver. After he felt my response he kissed me harder and much more urgently, as though he was making up for lost time.

"In a perfect world we'd be together," he whispered.

"I'm not so sure there is such a thing as a perfect world Jamie," I sighed. "If there was I'd describe it as my life before the war. Looking back now it was as though I had everything."

"This certainly puts things in perspective," he agreed, resting his head against mine. "Though Esther, I'd argue that I certainly didn't have everything."

"Oh please," I laughed. "You were the captain of the football team, with your whole life planned out, the nicest family and just about any girl in the school to choose from to marry. That sounds like everything to me."

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