Chapter 2

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        In a castle many miles away, a tall man looks into a black glass ball. His hand rests on the large ball's top.

        Across the room, a man in a pale lavender hooded robe says to another hooded man, "I think the Sorcerer has gone mad. Looking into a black ball like that. I mean..." He gets cut off by the sound of his renter walking to him. His fur hide boots with metal soles clack on the floor as he approaches.

        "Actually, I was checking on my tiger." The wizard says, putting a smile on his face that makes his right iris seem to glow its pale lavender color, which made his left iris seem drab.

        "A tiger? In a ball?" Says the man.

        "Yes. I connected it through a ball. Don't believe me, go look."

        "Fenol. What if I can't? What if I'm not able to use my magic to connect with it? I'm earthen magic; I can't do that kind of thing."

        "You may just be able to. You will never know." Reluctantly, the robed man walks to the seat, and puts his hand over the ball, and holds it there. "Well, are you going to do it Alistair?" asks Fenol. Alistair inhales deeply, and puts his hand on the black sphere. Instantly, his eyes shoot white flames and he starts screaming. Fenol rushes and catches his boarder from falling. "Take him to his room." Fenol watches the silent Samuel carry his friend to his room. Alone, he goes back to his pet. He needed to see what all Alistair had seen.

* * *

        The boys and their new-found friend Jeba make it to Jeba's hut. His house is just enough for three people. "You boys can live here, but I need to stock up on goods. Let's drop our things here, and I'll show you where the town is." Jeba explains.

        "So, what did you mean we were going to save you from the dragon?" Asks Kristopher.

        "It was... uh... explained to me that I would meet two foreign boys a long time ago." Jeba replies.

        "Really? Care to tell us about it?"

        "Not now. I need to see your magic abilities. What you two are good at, etcetera." Jeba picks a rock up, and tosses it at David's feet. It only hits. "David. Use this stick to stop it." Jeba hands David a three foot long stick, and throws another rock. Still no blocking it. Jeba gives Kristopher the stick, and throws another rock. Kristopher moves his hand as his eyes watch the rock. He missed the rock, but barely.

        "Another try?" Asks Kristopher. Again a rock was thrown. This time, Kristopher moved forward, and deflected it. Awestruck, David asks for a redo. Kristopher gives him the stick, and Jeba throws a rock at David's feet. David failed.

        "David. You will not be the one using swords. You will be the primary magic user. Do not fret," Jeba says,"the town is near. Let's keep going."

        David and Kristopher look at each other and smile at the fact that they were actually getting to do what they would prefer. Kristopher was melee, and David was magic. Perfect for the two.


        The three make it to the town ten minutes later. They go to a produce cart, and start to pick food out.

        "What the? Where are those two kids from Old Jeba? They wear strange garments." asks a shopkeeper.

        "They are from the continent Eurethia. An aunt of mine left her god kids to me after her untimely death.

        "Sorry!" the shopkeeper shoots quickly, seeming flustered.

        "It's fine." Jeba is pleased at his lying skills. He still has it. They grt their vegetables, and as they were heading to the clothes, they hear a loud growl.

        "T...t...the dragon is back!" A woman screams. The area becomes covered in shadow. When they look up, the sight inflicts horror on the viewer. The town filled with screaming and running into houses. The four horned beast is high up in front of the sun, blocking light from getting past. Then, it swoops almost straight down, and slowly opens its wings, to not rip the appendages off.

        A few of the town shops are blown apart by the gale-force winds suddenly bursting down. Jeba grabs the boys, hides them between where some wreckage had settled on a boulder, and grabs a spear. As the winged hellion lunges itself back down, this time, it spits flames. Jeba  hides under some wreckage, causing the inferno to not harm him.

        The dragon lands. Jeba gets up and silently sneaks up on the dragon as it sniffs the air. It sniffs at the butchery, and eats  the meat. Just as Jeba prepares about to spear its side, it raises its head. There was magic nearby, and it sensed it.

        It looks to the rock, and runs to it, just as Jeba drove the spear into the ground where the dragon was a mere second ago. The dragon moves the splintered wood to reveal the two boys. David immediately remembers he was supposed to be magic. He moves his hand towards a Baird, and thinks about it moving. It shakes, but stops as David lost concentration.

        The reptile lunges at the boys, but then screams out as Jeba shoves the spear into its front left foot. It spins around quickly and hits Jeba away. With its back turned, Kristopher runs to grab a sword. The dragon turns at the noise, and Kristopher swings at its throat. The dragon flaps its wings, and shoots itself upwards, and Kristopher back. David races to check on Jeba.

        "Hey! Uncle Jeba! You ok?" Shouts David.

        "I'll be fine once you quit yelling." Jeba replies laughing.

        "Wow! So, Jeba. Your... Whatever they are to you. One is magic, the other is a warrior?" Asks one citizen.

        "Looks like it, huh. But truly, they both can do magic. Just that Kristopher over there is going to have a harder time learning," Jeba points to some stray melons on the found. "May we have those?

        "You saved us. You can have tenfold!" chuckles the shopkeeper.


        The next morning, the boys are woken to Jeba feeding them melon. "You know Jeb, I don't think they meant literally ten times as many melons." Kristopher said, looking at Jeba and then his melon.

        "Nonsense! He wouldn't have said it if he hadn't meant it!" Jeba replies.

        "Didn't you see how sad his eyes were?" David adds.

        "No..."Jeba is interrupted by a knock on his door. He answers it, and is met by a towering man.

        "Jeba? I came to teach your boys magic. Do I smell melon?" Asks the man.

        "Fenol! How great to see you how long has it been? Twenty years? And yes; I was given melon since we saved the town." Jeba replies, letting his old buddy Fenol in.


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