chapter two

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Miles Evans

don't stress, just jol

Beautiful, is one of the many of millions of words I could say about Sydney, she's so pretty.

She has gorgeous middle length dark brown hair, beautiful green eyes and not mention her perfect smile.

I've seen her around campus a few times, in business class, it's hard not to notice her.

I mean she's very quite but how could you miss that smile.

Sydney is coming over in about 30 minutes so I've just got ready for the day.

I'm wearing some beige baggy jeans along with an oversized nike white t-shirt.

Arlo is currently playing with his cars as I'm getting his bottle ready for his nap.

"Syds cute then" Noah says walking into the kitchen going straight to the fridge.

"I'm yeah I guess you could say that" I say shaking Arlo's bottle, checking the temperature on the back of my hand.

"yeah she's very pretty" Noah smirks as he closes the fridge.

He can fuck off, with those comments.

"Don't forget about practice this evening" Noah mumbles with a full mouth full of leftovers.

"I won't we have a big game next week, gotta be ready" I say going over Arlo.

"Where is little man going this evening?" He asks lending on the couch.

"My mums, I'll drop him off after Sydney leaves" I tell him as Arlo sits in my lap.

"Wait Syds coming over" he says as his eyes light up.

Ughh can he stop.

"Yes Sydney is coming over to help me study for this business exam we have in a few weeks" I explain moving into Arlo's room.

Noah follows along behind me like a lost dog looking for it's own.

"Yeah, yeah study of course that's what you'll be doing" he mocks me.

"What the fuck, Noah we're not gonna do anything, I barely now the girl," I say rolling my eyes.

I may seem like a cocky hockey player and well I am but once you get to know me.

I really am respectful and would never do anything to someone there not comfortable with.

And like I said I barely know Syd so that would just be weird, plus I'm not like that.

"Okay what ever you say bro, anyways me and Mat are going to the gym, see ya in a bit" he says before grabbing his bag leaving with matthew.

After they left it's just me and little man, he's the best thing that's happened to me in a long time.

He saved my life and graces life...but that's for another time.

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