chapter seven

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Miles Evans

some mistakes take us all to the right places

It's been around 2 weeks since we won our first game of the season.

Everyone had an amazing that night, we all went and got burgers, then headed to the city centre to go on our night and then made it back to our place to have a few drinks.

It was prefect.

And well my eyes and my conversations the whole night where mainly with Sydney.

She's such a ray of sunshine and so easy to talk to.

Thats one of the many things I like about her, she's so head strong with what she wants to get out of life and the goals she wants to achieve.

Not to mention her helping me pass this business exam which is only a few weeks away now.

I do feel confenfited about it but I also feel like if i don't put in all the effort then i could completely fuck it up.

Today I have a full day of classes, the gym, ice practice and also spending time with my son.

Arlo has been with my mum a lot the past few days and I just feel like I'm failing as a father, like i don't spend enough time with him.

He's growing up so fast too, he turns 3 in July and it's currently the end of January so it's not for a while but also is right around the corner.

"Miles! Sam is at the door!" Matt shouts from the kitchen.

My brother always shows up without telling anyone which probaly means he hungover from whatever party he went to last night... and didn't make it back to his dorm.

Running down the stairs I see Noah handing him a a green looking smoothie, its what we all drink when we're hungover.

It's meant to help... but thats a load of bullshit.

"Sup little bro" I shout clapping my hands right by his ear, causing him to cover his head with a pillow and cusre underneth.

"Ugh shut up Miles, your not helping" he groans as he takes a slip of the smoothie.

"Ew that is fucking disgusting" he says giving it back to Noah, who shrugs and drinks it himself.


"What do you want Sam" I say taking a sit on the couch.

"Coach wants all of us in tommowr for early training at 8 til 10" He tells me rubbing his temples as he speaks.

"Oh right okay, well then tonight partying tonight then Sam" I say to him.

He goes to say something but I stop listening when my phone bizzes in my pocket.

I take it out and see a text from Sydney.

Syd :)

hey, are you able to do 6 today,
so sorry I had a thing come up

yeah sure I can do that,
everything ok?

yh everything is good, now...
do u want to come here for me come to u?

I can come to u,
I'll leave Arlo here with the boys

Ok perfect I'll see you then!

see ya then :)


Class was alright today, it was a quiet one didn't really do the only thing on my mind was going to Sydneys place later.

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