chapter eleven

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Miles Evans

❝eyes do all the talking❞


That kiss with Sydney was unmatched.

She is just incredible.

Everything about her I just love, in the short time that we've spent with each other has felt like months!

I just haven't felt this way about someone in a while so its just so nice to have a breathe of fresh air with her.

Taking her to the ice rink was top on my list but since the first time i went over to her apartment were we cooked dinner together.

I've wanted to take her to this next place ever since i felt that day.

The drive there was about 30 minutes from the ice rink so not to far, Sydney is looking out of the window as we drive to the next place.

I haven't touched her since the kiss, she got really nervous all of a sudden about everyone around her, but in all honesty so did i.

But that moment just felt so right that i just had to put all those voices and thoughts inside my head aside and kiss her.

She seems to get anxious quite a bit when we are out in public, but then so do i so i don't know if it is similar to me or if i'm just reading into it a lot.

"So then were are we going" syd asks me turing her head to look at me.

As i pull up to the red light i turn a little to look at her. "That's for me to know and for you to find out bellissima" i say watching her blush.

"I didn't know you could speak another language " she says, i put the car in gear and pull off.

"Yeah my mum comes from Italy, spend most of our childhood over there, Samson is not the best but he still likes to learn" I tell her.

"We have a small villa over there for the summer which we go to every summer, but not for the last too as my parents have been going though a rough time but mum is hoping to go out this summer" I say to her.

I want to be as open as i can with Syd, i don't feel judge or anything so it's nice.

"Oh i'm sorry, but i mean that's so cool that you have that villa out there, i could only dream of having a villa in another country." She says looking down at her feet before she looks back up towards me.

"Both my parents come from Greece so i know a little Greek" She tells me.

"Ooo look at us both talking another language ." i say and we both laugh a little.

Sydneys smile is just beautiful, the way her dimples show up when she smiles bright it's just so pretty.

I slowly move my hand away from the gears and place my hand on her thigh just before we reach the final stop of our date.

"Well here we are" I say turning the car off and going over to sydneys side.

"Oh my! Miles really!" Sydney starts as i open the door for her.

"Ah I knew you'd like it" I say taking her hand in mine.

"I've always wanted to do a pizza making class!" She says pulling my arm to her holding my bicep close to her chest.

There is something about her touch that makes me feel all warm and i just feel so much comfort.

"Well," I start, placing my hand on top of her's.

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