Chapter 3

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Skyler's POV

The past few days at school went by normal, well as normal as working at a school could be. I found Katie staring at my ass a few times in class, but to be fair I stare at hers when she leaves the class. Actually, I saw her in the supermarket yesterday she was with some boy who I have seen in my class.

She looked very happy and sexy she was wearing shorts and a crop top which showed her beautiful legs and the outline of her abs which looked very hot. Now that I think of it, I sound like such a creep, well you could say I have a weakness for blonde-haired women and abs. She and the boy looked very close together; I guess he could be her boyfriend.

A few days back there was an announcement for a talent show at the school, I was curious and excited to see the school's talent. The Teachers have an obligation to help students with their acts and rehearsals. Today I am going to find out which student I am getting, hopefully, it is some nice student, one I knew. It was time for my second lecture, the class where Katie was in. Katie showed up but instead of taking a seat at her desk, which was right in front of me she came to my desk and showed me a note. "I guess you're my helper for the talent show this year," said Katie, I was shocked at first but also happy at the same time and said "hmmm that will be interesting" I regretted it as soon as it came out of my mouth. Katie just gave me a smirk and went to her seat.

Today I had prepared a test for the students, they were very grumpy when I told them so I tried to calm them down and said it was a fairly easy test. I started handing out papers, when I gave Katie hers, I said "good luck" to her and she said, "Thanks, I'm really going to need it". After handing out all the tests, I went in front of the classroom and said "Good luck everyone you have 20 minutes to finish the test". Everyone started writing except for Katie, she started looking around and I noticed her copying from Elon who sat beside her. I figured this was going to end badly for her as Elon is a nerd who complains a lot. I was near one of the last benches picking up a paper from a student when Elon called me saying Katie was cheating and copying from him. I had to do something so I gave her detention, plus I need someone today to help me arrange the shelf anyways.

For today I only had 2 lectures, I asked her "What is your last lecture?" and she said, "Today my third lecture is free period so I have only 2 lectures". I told her "Come for detention after recess and that if she didn't come, I would give her a D on this test plus the one for next week". She said "I wouldn't miss it for anything" giving a sly smirk. The way she was behaving was as if she wanted to get detention. The bell rang and students who hadn't given me their paper left it on my table while leaving. Katie was the last one to hand it in and while she was near the door she said "Be back in 30 minutes" I have never seen a student so happy for detention. After recess, Katie came 5 minutes early for her detention, which was very weird as she is always late for class. She came near my table and said "Reporting for detentions, ma'am". Which made me smile, I told her "I'm not going to let you leave early even if you behave so cute..." shit what did I just say "I meant sweet, yes sweet even if u behave sweet I am not letting you leave early" shut up Skye. My face was all red, what's wrong with me. I told her to start arranging the shelves and to do it in alphabetical order, she said "yes ma'am" and gave me a smirk. I guess she smirks a lot, I don't know what gets into me when I'm around her. I start saying stupid stuff.

I finished grading the papers from yesterday and I was planning to grade today's papers from home so, I figured I would help Katie with the shelves as there were two and she wasn't even done with the first. I started with the other shelf when I remembered I was her helper for the talent show and I didn't even know what exactly a helper does.

"Can I ask you something if u don't mind?" I asked, she looked at me and said "yeah sure". "What exactly does a helper have to do?" She started explaining to me saying "A helper usually helps the student with the staging, costumes, rehearsals, and song selection if necessary and needed". "Oh, okay that makes sense, what is your talent though?"

"Uhm well my talent is singing," she said. "Wow, you can sing? When I sing, it sounds like dying cats are crying. Do you take part every year?" She gave me a smirk and said: "Not to sound overconfident but I have won the show for the last three years and if I win again this year, I would be the first student to win four times in a row". Wow, she must be a very good singer if she won 3 years in a row, she asked me if I had any talents and I told her; "Nah, I don't know I'm not good at any physical or creative stuff ".

When the detention was over, she asked me if I could go to the auditorium to book some good rehearsal slots and gave me her number to text her the times and stuff. So, I went towards the auditorium quickly and met up with the talent show coordinator. She told me that I was the first one so I could pick any slot, I picked the one from 5 till 7 as I have only 4 lectures or less most of the time and Katie also gets out of school before that.

I went home and texted her:

Skye: Hi Katie, this is Miss. TJ I arranged for us to have stage time during the time slot of the 5th class till the 7th, as you have only 3 classes you can go home and get the stuff you need. Alternatively, if you don't live nearby you could bring it tomorrow and I'll keep it in class.

Katie: OK. ma'am, and I do live nearby so I can bring the stuff daily plus I can bring my car to keep it in so it won't be a problem. BTW, why am I not able to see your number?

Skye: Cause it is a VIP number. Good night Katie.

Katie: That is cool I need to get myself one of those. Good night ma'am.

I shook my head and smiled; She is one weird girl it's going to be interesting being her helper. I sighed, I really have to start learning how to cook because ordering takeout every day is not working or maybe I can marry someone who knows to cook? Does Katie know to cook? 'Idiot why are you wondering if she does or not, you can't marry her she is your student! You can't even touch, let alone marry her.

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