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*3 years later*

Kat's POV

I was woken by the sound of my alarm. It's the day, shit what I'm I going to do? I guess I need to get ready first. As soon as I got out of the bed Franc and Neal came barging into my room with a very stern faces.

What's wrong? I asked him nonchalantly. It's mostly going to be about flowers or some shit like that.

she backed out. Franc said.

"Who backed out?" I asked them, confused.

"Your bride you idiot." Neal replied back.

"WHAT? What do you mean?"

"well...she.... how should I say this, she got cold feet and she's not in her room." Franc said.

"what? how? yesterday when I saw her she was ok, she was happy I wasn't the one who asked her to marry me. Why would she back out now? I started rambling on pacing around in the room. I need to talk to her, I'm going to her room."

"she not in her room" franc said blocking my way.

"then I will go find her. MOVE!" that's when Eugene walked in.

"What's going on here?" he asked, confused.

"I'm going to find my bride."

"what? why?"

"'cause she ran away you idiot, and franc move or I will physically make you."

"what?" Eugene said confused, his reaction quickly changed as if a light bulb just got lit in his head.

"Neal you went through with it you bastard! after I told you not to and you dragged Francesca in it too." he said furiously. What's going on? suddenly neal and franc just started laughing.

"What the hell is going on?" Bella asked coming into the room confused with all the commotion in my room. Good everybody just walks in. It's not like I'm in my........ Fuck I'm just in my underwear and bra.

I quickly picked up the shirt and shorts that were laying around and wore them. Everyone just laughed at that.

"what the fuck did they do now?" bella asked with her hands on her hips.

"They told Kat here that Skylar ran away." Eugene said to Bella.

"Wait, what? That was a lie?" I said confused and anger building up.

they both just started laughing again to which bella went and twisted both of they're ears.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys? It's the poor girl's wedding day. And Neal you did this after me and Eugene told you not too." she said, twisting his ears a bit more making squeals in pain. "And Francesca you're supposed to be an adult here. you're older than all of us and you're acting like a child." she said, twisting her ear.

"You're making me sound like an old nanny," franc said in pain. To which Bella just twisted her ear a bit more. Me and Neal were standing together just controlling our laughter.

Poor Bella first she only had to handle her sister but after started dating Neal and marrying him now she handles them.

That's when the kids ran into my room. chuckling when they saw Neal and Franc begging Bella to leave they're ear.

That's when Rochelle came into the room too. I guess my wedding is going to be in my room.

"There you guys are, I told you that papa is busy with auntie Kat." she looked at Bella, Neal and franc and asked "whats going on here?" She was clearly amused.

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