Chapter 26

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Kat's POV

Neal was standing behind me. I knocked on the door. Eugene opened the door. He saw me and gave a small smile. I could see band aids all over his face.

"How's the temperature?" I asked him.

"Pretty cool as I'm a bit high on pain meds, come on in." He said.

I entered that's when he saw Neal he didn't say anything. But just walked out of there. I held his hand.

"We need to talk. Well, you guys need to talk." I told him.

"But I don't want too"

"For me, Eugene please"

"Fine but just for you" he said frustrated.

Neal started out "I'm sorry that I hit you so badly and said dumb stuff to you, I kinda had lost it when I saw you guys together. And I'm not saying it's your fault cause it really isn't, it's all because I can't control my fuck boy habits. I don't expect it but I hope you forgive me." He ended with joining his hands which actually remained me of Justin Bieber. Odd timing to remember him.

Eugene didn't say anything, he was just staring at Neal.

"You trying to make me cry" Eugene said in a very girly way while wipping his fake tears making me and Neal laugh they both hugged each other.

"Hey forgot me?" I said

"Never" they said together and pulled me to there hug

"How did you ever think I won't forgive you. And I should be the one saying sorry. I should have never kissed her. From now I'm never going near Roshelle. I swear." Eugene said.

"Dude, if you never go near her then how are you going to date her." Neal said. Eugene looked at her confused.

To which Neal continued "Dude you love her like I love fucking girl which is a lot. So we need to get you guys back together."

"Well I do love her but I don't think she's going to talk to me, after what happened today."

"What happened" I and Neal asked together.

"Well after you both left Skylar gave me and Rochelle a free pass so, Rochelle brought me home as I wasnt in the condition to drive. She did all this bandaging that's when I got up and kinda took off my anger on her. "

"Ok,whatever you said wouldn't have been that bad,right?" Neal said.

"Well to give you guys a gist of it, I call her a whore, a bitch who only cares about herself and that I never should have started loving her."

"Wow, damn thats bad!" Neal said to which I hit him on his shoulder.

"Shut up!" I told Neal. "Come on I think we can do something. But first let's order something I'm very hungry."

"Me too, being this high makes you hungry" Neal said to which I and Eugene both hit him on his shoulder.

"Fine, I'm not going to smoke weed from now."

"Hell it would be a mericle if I let you drink till you turn 18, and after having dinner I'm checking your room for weed and alcohol." I said while walking towards the kitchen.

"Come on you must be kidding me."

"Don't worry about checking his room I already threw all the trash from his room down the drain." Eugene said.

I went behind the counter and asked the boys what they wanted to eat. They wanted Mac and Cheese. So I cooked them that.

So right now we were sitting on the counter eating the food I prepared. Talking about a few ideas to get Rochelle back and joking around.

"You guys are helping me out to do something for my one month anniversary" I said taking a bite of my food.

Eugene looked at me then Neal

"He knows, he figured the whole thing out and told me after he was clam that he has to apologise to my girlfriend to, which is so true to you have to apologise to her for calling her a bitch" I said.

"Yeah I will " he said kinda whining.

"Have you thought about what you going to do?" Eugene asked.

"Well I can't take her out in public that's for sure atleast until we graduate and we take our post as whatever we are doing in the company as a full time thing. So was planning to take her to the beach house for a nice quiet dinner and maybe buy her a gift, wanted to keep it simple, what do you guys think?"

"It's a nice sweet plan but which beach house are you planning to take her to? Your get away beach house or the one of the houses you got from you grandfather?" Neal asked.

"I took her to my getaway for our first date so mostly the one in Coney Island."

"What about the gift?" Eugene asked.

"I haven't decided what to give her."

"What about a ring?" Neal said

I don't know her finger size and I think it would be a bit early to give her a ring" I said shrugging

You think?! Eugene said shocked. "It's your one month anniversary not 10th"

Skye's POV

I was sitting relaxing on my couch. I was going through the my plans for the anniversary making sure everything was as I planned. Now I just need to ask Eugene to make sure kat isnt planning anything big ,but the hardest part is asking her mom if it would be ok to take her away for the weekend. Me being her teacher doesn't help with that.

I called Eugene.

He picked up "Hello"

"Yeah hey this is Skylar here, hope this is a good time?"

"Yeah sure, what's up?"

"Is Katie near by?"

"Yeah, do you want me to give her the phone?"

"No, actually can you go a bit far from her so that she can't hear you and not let her know it's me."

"Ok, hold on." He said a bit confused.

I could hear a bit of shuffling in the background.

"Yeah now say?"

"So as you know this weekend is my and kat's one month anniversary"

"Yeah, I know."

"I would you to make sure she kept it a bit simple, I'm actually planning a surprise for her, can you please do that for me?"

"Yeah sure, she's actually keeping it simple."

"Yeah? What's she's planning?"

"Sorry can't tell you that" he said.

"Ok fine, but do you have any idea on how to tell kat's mom to allow her for the weekend?"

"Don't worry about that I will take care of it, I will tell her that we are going out for the weekend and not to tell her as it's a secret. Cool?"

"Yeah yeah, thank you so much."

"Listen I got to go kat's coming here bye."

"Cool bye."

"Well that's done." I said falling back into the couch.

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