1st chapter

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My name is Gloria, a seventeen years old girl from a small town in Romania,

I live with my mother and grandmother.

My mother is one of the few physicians in our village, she taught me a lot of things about herbs and medicine.

My father died when I was a little girl. Life was hard for us, for my mother as a single mother, my old grandmother, and myself as a young lady.

I took over my father's farmland I got used to getting my clothes dirty, I loved working on the farm. I take care of the farm animals and crops.


I am on my way home after spending the whole day on the farm.

I was walking and observing the beauty of our village. The birds fly back to their nests, and the sky is a warm orange color as the sun sets, children laughing and running around, and men riding their horses.

Lost in my thoughts I reached home and was welcomed by the delicious aroma of my grandmother's well-known Prăjitură cu mere, "hmm, is this what I think it is?" I spoke merrily as approached her

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Lost in my thoughts I reached home and was welcomed by the delicious aroma of my grandmother's well-known Prăjitură cu mere, "hmm, is this what I think it is?" I spoke merrily as approached her.

I hugged her from behind, as she let out a serene chuckle while fixing me a plate.

"yes dear, I made it, especially for you, I know how much you love it when I make your favorite dessert, and I don't know how much time I have left..."

I took the plate and put it on the wooden table before turning around and looking directly into her lovely wrinkled gray eyes.

"Bunicuţ don't say such things, you will get well and strong like you were before." I said creasing her aged skin. "Now let's scoopyou some of this masterwork" I said making her giggle. 


The night went on, it was almost midnight and mamă still didn't come home,

I helped Bunicuţ to bed and went to my room I lit up some candles, to light up the dim space.

I lay down on my bed, worried thinking about my mother.

I couldn't sit back anymore, so I put on my shawl and locked the front, before leaving the house to search for my mother.

On my way to the center of the town, I heard ear-piercing screams and yelling from somewhere near the waters, I immediately ran towards the noise.

Running fast holding my nightgown and shawl tightly between my fingers.

I halted on my ground as a massive ship came into view,, people screaming and running around, scared.

"Gloria! " I heard my mother's bewildered voice.

I got back to my senses and steered towards my mother  "mamă what's going on? Why is everyone screaming and running around and who are those people?" I asked trying to catch my breath, observing the men in red liveries, as they exited the vessel.

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