15th chapter

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I sat with Maria at the assignment chambers as Nour kalfa showed us how to knit, the kadins were all focused and following along, except for two, Latife hatun who was glaring at me, and Nadia who sat beside her displaying a sour face.

I still couldn't believe that Nadia had gone from being my friend to a sour-faced humbug.

I merely beamed at Maria who was loving the material in front of her.

I do not intend to let them ruin my mood, I woke up feeling good today,

Haçı ağa stopped by the favorites' floor this morning to notify me of tonight's plan. it will also keep my mind off of the fact that I won't be able to see Murad tonight, since it's a Thursday night and he wishes to spend it with his family.

I along with him and Silahtar Paşa will take off to Kösem sultan's vakıf, where Halil paşa will be obliviously waiting.

I blinked a couple of times, not realizing that I was caught in a trance.

feeling Maria's hand on my shoulder "Meleksima, what's on your mind? you weren't paying attention" Maria whispered her concern,

I twinkled at her before looking around, to make sure no one was eavesdropping, just to come upon the burning glare of Latife hatun, whom I had been avoiding.

Not because of fear but because I had more important matters to deal with.

"She has been scowling at me for days, I'm sure she's up to something," I whispered looking back at Maria with an uneasy look.

Maria peeked at them from the hub of her eye, before taking a whiff, she stood up making my eyes follow her wide open as she moved towards the pair, "Maria" I hissed lowly but she ignored my calls

thank god the kalfa is occupied assisting one of the kadins with the materials.

Maria had good relationships with the harem girls, they liked her and mostly listened to what she had to say.

Maria spoke in a seemingly calm tone, I couldn't hear what she was saying but I noticed how she gritted her teeth annoyed with the two kadins before her. 

That's what I love the most about Maria, she is calm and collected, thinks before she acts. but she can get quite intense at times.

they both swallowed as they gave one last dirty look before getting to work.

With an irritated face, Maria joined me again, picking up her material, she beamed with a slight reassuring nod in response to my amused questioning look, making me smile before getting back to work

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With an irritated face, Maria joined me again, picking up her material, she beamed with a slight reassuring nod in response to my amused questioning look, making me smile before getting back to work.


"I need to go now, see you around dinnertime," Maria gaily spoke as we both strolled out of the assignment's chamber on our way to do our tasks, Maria's being assisting the Kalfas. While I serve Atike Sultan,

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