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My name is Quinn Jor-El.

22 years ago my planet, Krypton, was in danger.

My cousin Kal-el and Kara Zor-el were sent to a planet called Earth for their safety and protection.

You may know their stories.

The story you don't know is that I was sent to Earth just after the two of them.

I was sent as the glue for both my cousins

I was sent with the knowledge of our people.

The hope of a nation.

Families are like branches on a tree.

We grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one, Mother always said.

"I don't enjoy this solution, Nyssa," Ter-el said to his wife as they placed their two-year-old in the space pod.

Nyssa looked just as sad to part with her son as her husband did.

But as she was the more rational of the two.

She knew that this was the only way to ensure his safety.

"I also don't like it as well, my love," she said to him, soothing him.

"But what choice do we have?

"Kara will protect the both of them, Ter-el,"

"She's strong,"

"Our sweet son will bring them ease on the foreign planet,"

"Just as he has done for us," She said kissing the doe-eyed child on the forehead.

"And with this, Nyssa said picking up a metallic cube,"

"Jor-el will possess all the knowledge of our people,"

"Our Weakness and Strengths,"

"He will be a beckon of knowledge for his cousins,"

"We love you, Jor-el," Ter-el said to his son with tears in his eyes

"You have been the greatest joy of our lives,"

"Protect your family," he said to him.

"And Remember, Family is Forever, Nyssa said as tears finally escaped her eyes.

The realization finally hitting her like a ton of bricks.

The parents equally loved their miracle son.

Ter-el had been assumed to be infertile for most of his life, so it came as a surprise to them when, Nyssa became pregnant with Jor-el.

The space pod secured itself, and Nyssa kissed the glass.

And it took off following both Kara's and Kal-el's coordinates. Kal-el was the first to leave, followed by Kara and then Quinn.

Just then Krypton began detonating.

The parents were left with the unenviable sadness of watching their son fly away.

As their home began to blow up.

They gazed at the ship, flying, leaving the atmosphere of the planet, Krypton.

What they didn't know,

Is, unfortunately, due to the shockwave from the destruction of Krypton.

This sent Jor-el's pod speeding into hyperspace.

The speed pushed him from the trajectory towards Earth-Prime. And pushed him to a desolate region of space called the Phantom Zone.

There, Quinn slept for 22 years

For some fortuitous reason, Quinn found his way to Earth-Prime.

Still as a 3-year-old child.

He landed 3 years after Kara had also found her way to the planet.

His cousin Kal-el was not a child anymore. He was a grown man, who had revealed himself to everyone as Superman.

The earth's mightiest warrior

Kara was safe with a new family.

Kal-el wanted Jor-el to have the same safe human-type childhood he did.

So he placed him with an adoptive family, Catherine Edison, and her daughter.

The family showed him kindness when he was growing up in Smallville.

The family showed him kindness when he was growing up in Smallville

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The cousins didn't need knowledge from a 3-year-old anymore.

Quinn didn't have a purpose anymore.

The child had no clue what he would do next.

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