Chapter 3

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" Hmm what should we do ?" i said while sitting again

" Sunyon you should sit back not turning around like that then sit or you will have an scar on your toes " Teak said to me i look at him like ( what)

" Its fine i can manage the pain tho " I said back

" Should we play true or dare?" i said and look at them both

" Sure?" the two of them said

" okok junghwan true or dare?" i ask him eye to eye

" I don't want an dare so true " he said

" Who's the girl you like right now?" Teak ask him i'm a bit shocked to that question but its fine

" Uhm maybe sun- yon?" He said and look away

" Oh omg junghwan are you sure?" teak said and look at him

" Maybe?i don't know " he said and i look at him with an weird look

" oh don't be an shy dog now " Teak said and laugh as hard as he can like what the heck

" Let's end the game " Junghwan said and look at me like plss

" So what are we going to do here?" teak said to them

in sunyon's mind " Oh should just we buy an new tape for new movies? like back to the future? or should we buy some new clothes? oh i that's a great idea Let's do both i will dress this two boys hehe " i chuckle and smiled like i'm going to do bad to them

" hey you two lets go to the mall i have something in plan and btw no need to bring money have extra money here now let's gooo i'm very hungry " i said and get there wrist

" Oh yeah that a great idea you don't have many clothes you always borrow mine " teak said and look at me saying like he needs his hoodies back

" Yeah fine i will bring them back but not today i'm wearing it ok?!" i said and run as fast as i can to get to the straight to the door

" Oi sunyon stop running so much you might hurt yourself " junghwan said said softly it make my heart racing like what in the world was happening to me its not normal

" You're really like her ?.. answer me? i won't tell her i just want to know the truth about it i'm like her little bro you know i want to protect her like i always do when we're kids i just don't want her to get hurt ok? so tell me please " teak said while sonyun wait for them while walking around in the garden

" Ok fine i like her but i don't know i think we're not ready yet because she doesn't know me to much and we're just getting to now each other i want to have an lowkey relationship with her but we're not ready i will just wait for the right time to confess and if she likes me back i will protect her like a queen
so trust me on this teak ok? let's just wait for it and don't tell her i will tell your secret about you know " he said and just stared st each other like there having a meeting

" Ok junghwan i will trust you but if you make her cry you will be dead " team said and go outside to see sunyon junghwan follow him too

" shall we go now " Junghwan said and look at his pockets and he seen he's wallet and wanted to buy her an ice cream later

" Yeah ofcc its too cold here " sonyun said and run to the bus terminal

( in the bus terminal 🚌 )

" let's sit at the back for us to see the views " teak said and we agree too it because its beautiful tho

" Wow i never thought that its going to be comfy out here " sonyun said and sit down and look at the window be side of junghwan

" it's very beautiful right?" junghwan said and smiled

" Oh wow jungwhan you should smile more actually don't hide that pretty cute smile " sonyun and let out an huge smile for him

Junghwan's heart is touch about sonyun's word there is no girls said that to him because they say that he"s always an bully to them but it's he's love language to try annoying his crush , he can't express his feelings to his crush because he is very shy a lot but when sonyun came he had an improvement he learned a bit of "You need to go out of your comfort zone like " he really feel something to her

they all are now at the mall

" Oh its beautiful here wow i don't really know that you're mall is huge i thought it like big not like huge tho its fine so we can go first to the tape shop shall we? then we buy some clothes and eatt some ramyun and kimbap? i'm really craving for it ahhh" sonyun said and pouted at the two boys

" Oh wow you really plan this really let's go then so we can go home early so you two can join us at dinner in my house mom cook something for you too " junghwan said and they follow sonyun to the tape shop

" What tape should we buy?? oh back to the future one and two? and oh jackie chan has new movie let's get that one to is that all you two wants?you can add anyting oh even a manga they have it here junghwan get some for us please thank you so me and teak can read when we get home " sonyun said to them and get the tape they like junghwan gets 9 volumes of dragon ball for them to read later

we pay for it and teak hold the paper bag were the tapes snd mangas are so i don't have too hold it

" Oh thats great thanks junghwan for picking the manga " Teak said and help me with the paper back

" welcomee " he said and point at the clothing shop

" Wow they got new arrivals omg " sonyun sprints to the clothing shop

" Oh really did sprint to the clothing shop??. that's very fast like hella fast" junghwan said watching sonyun looking at some clothes

" its very normal for her to do that she really like ice cream and clothes but make up not really he love rubber shoes than hills she's a kinda boyish type like that " teak said and walk fast to catch up at sonyun and junghwan follows

" that's very cool huh " junghwan said and look what sonyun got she got an 3 hoodies it over size and a 3 sweater thats oversize again and some 2 jeans and a shoe

" You like wearing baggy clothes " junghwan said look st her

" Yeahh i do very much i prefer it more than wearing short dresses " said and going to the check out line

" you got a little things ?? that kinda shocking " teak said and look very shook

" yeah i'm sorry there out of stock of what i like " sonyun said to teak and pay for what she buy

" set's just eat at our house and get some ingredients for the kimbap " junghwan said to them there kinda confuse tho

" you know how to? thought you only now how to cook shin ramyun " teak said and laught

" your mean teak ah i can mom teach me when i was i kid yk " and do this emoji 😛 junghwan said

" yeah fine lets get going seens it's early " sunyon said and follow them to the supermarket

to be continued....
i will continue this after my exams i'm very busy this days but i will try my best

The new girl in the block ||| Kim jung-hwan /// reply 1988 Where stories live. Discover now