Chapter 4

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||| in the super supermarket |||

" should we buy an carrot and imitation crab and egg then cucumbers and nori thats all " Junghwan said and get an basket in the supermarket

" Oh right let's gooo " Sonyun said and look excited because its her fav food

" okok calm down before you buy many thing you don't need " teak said like a father

" Ok oppa " I said and run as fast as i can in the supermarket with junghwan

" You really like seaweed don't you? we have seaweed chips in my room we can get it and watch some move that we brought " Junghwan said and i nodded as a reply

" Yes ofc it is i love seaweed soup too " i said and pouted like a baby

" you look like you're little sis sonyun " Teak shouted at me like a he's my parent

" Oi teak don't do that to me " i said and get an tantrum

" Oi the two of you stop that shit ok? and you teak don't shout like that its very
weird we're in the supermarket then you shout like that so stop it ahh~~" junghwan said and hold my wrist to go with him

" Bleee i win 😛😛" i said to teak and go with junghwan for a while teak go to the ramyun section to buy us ramyun ofc

" Ok fine you win but can you buy me milk? please sonyun" teak said to me and has puppy eyes on him

" Oh okok since i will gave you a reward for making me win the argument that we had early " I said and nodded

We go to the veggie section and pick an carrot and cucumber like we should do
and some eggy ofc

" i didn't know that you are good with picking veggies? for a guy like you you're future girlfriend would be lucky " i said at jungwhan and look at him

" Then your very luck then i- i mean she's lucky then " he mumbled and i hear it

" WHAT DO YOU MEAN ABOUT SHE'S LUCKY?! ARE YOU AN IDIOT!?" i shouted at him having jealousy

" ah don't be like this " Junghwan said and turn to teak

" So you two are going to team up on me now ish~ i will call he-" i said then teak cover my mouth

" Stop it please winter is coming btw " teak said and get the thinks that we bought

" teak buy me new jacket for this christmas in return i will gave your hoodies back "  i said and look at him

" aish this wouldn't end if you two stop arguing let's pay this before its to late amd protect this little women " junghwan said and we followed him because he look at us very scared us

we get back at our house and junghwan get the things we brought he didn't let me hold it
he doesn't allowed me to even teak he doesn't let me hold it i'm like a lost
puppy even they didn't allow me to hold anything i just annoyed them for them to loook

" aish were do douksun are?. " I said to them while walking to jungwhan house because we're going to stay there for a while because uncle choi is going to a business trip? i guess i don't really know but teak said it is

" Oh sunyonn y'all are back! oh hii teakk!! " she said and hug my cousin and hug me junghwan just stared at her and waved

" finally i get to see a girl i've been with this two idiots for a while " I said and got inside of jungwhan's home

" Oh hii mom i'm back " junghwan said and he drop off the things we brought

" Oh y'all going to make kimbap?" said to us and we nodded

" Oh that's exciting " Douksun said and she seems to like the idea that jungwhan made

Junghwan's pov

She really love's doing things with her friends she's interesting like very interesting she's definitely different than other girls she's amazing should i buy her a jacket that is same as mine? yeah maybe she just came this week but i've already falling inlove with her attitude like everything her smile and her laugh it makes me happy and i'm having butterflies if she's smile at me like i'm floating is this the feeling that teak feels with douksun talks to him i feel all the things he said to her hays i'm must be inlove...

One month later (november 13 , 1988)

" So Teak you like douksun? and i like sonyun? and then i get an clue that son woo has an relationship with bo-ra " jungwhan said to teak there really speaking there feelings with each other because there very shy to confess
sonyun is sleeping in the ground with douksun and son-woo and dong-ryong
there pretty much had an sleep over

" Aish don't be so loud what if they hear us?? " Teak said while cooking another one and only ramyun and junghwan is getting bowls and milk for sonyun

" Aish there sleeping with the boys you know that right if we enter the room will wake them up " Junghwan said as if there were not going out because there asleep

" Ah fine i like douksun since she made me stop do the this thats not healthy for me she take care of me when i'm sick she's the one i want to grow old you know how about you and sunyon? the school year is starting tomorrow btw are your school and her school close enough for you and her go back here together dad said that no one can get her there i mean she doesn't have anybody with her going home can you do me a favor can you pick her up?" teak said patted junghwan's shoulder

" Yeah sure i'm willing to for me and  her get to be close to each more " He said and smile at teak for the first time

" Oh that's good now i can calm down know were done preparing the food let's wake them up " Teak said and smiled

" Oi everyone wake up the food is ready " Jungwhan said and preparing the table

" Oh thanksss jungwhan for preparing with teak " Sonyun said to him and he blushed lightly and smiled

" Oi Its very early in the morning and i see you two flirt with each other my eyes are hurting you know " dong-ryong said and sit beside son-woo while me and junghwan are beside each other and teak is with douksun

" So lets watch back to the future now seens all of us are here and the food is ready and the kimbap that junghwan makes " Sonwoo said and he taps dong-ryongs shoulder to put the tape in the tv

" Ok fine i will " dong-ryong completely compline to him and put it on

to be continued...
i will update tomorrow i promisee i will tryyy

The new girl in the block ||| Kim jung-hwan /// reply 1988 Where stories live. Discover now