Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
~ Junghwan Dances??! ~

We slept for a while because where really tired of walking

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We slept for a while because where really tired of walking

" Hey teak and douksun let's stargazing right now there will be meteor come shall we?" i said to them while they watching the tv

" Ofc like to see the meteor and the moon " Douksun said teak just nodded

" Now we got an plan now " junghwan said and stand up

" We will just get some chairs for us and you two can go get some snacks and drinks then let's meet up in the rooftop " junghwan said and get my hand

" Ok thenn go ahead " Teak said and they both stand up and go to the kitchen

The two of us go to the garden and he gets the table while i get 2 chairs and then he just let me sit in the wooftop he just get 2 more chairs and get some blankets for us

" Love let's go to my house i will just get my chips there and i got an hoodie for you there " He said and i followed him and he hold my hands for me to not fall

We arrived in his room he just some snacks to his secret snack station it is in his table and its just many snacks there he gave me some chocolate's and i smiled

" Oh here's the hooodie love go wear it i'm not going to look " he said and turned around for me to change my sweater

" Done you can turn around now " i said then he turn around to see me

" i will use your sweater ah? love plss turn around i don't wanna see you look like at tomato " He said and wink at me i just turn around for him

" Ok love let's go now we get our things now " he said hug me then hold my hands

" Okayyy let's goo now " I said

We arrived in the rooftop and teak and douksun is comfortable siting there snd just talking sbout some things that we can't hear cuz there not loud

" Oh you guys are here now finally " The both of them said we just laugh and gave them a smile

" sorry we just get some snacks and then change " i said and sit beside junghwan he share the blanket with me

" Douksun Can i ask a favor?" Jungwhan asked douksun while we sit and holding hands

" eh? what is it? " Douksun said and look at teak who's confused

" Can you hide our drink to the Event in the school? Then Let's meet up in the Rooms when we arrived? if its fine?" He asked Douksun

" Aish Fine but you need to return the favor? Because we need dancers for our event to present our school can you three do that for me and sunyon?" She said i agree what she asked we need an presentation of our school

" Yah! Sunyon what do you wanna be when you grow up?" Teak asked me i look at him and think what will i be in the future?

Kang Sung yoon in 2017

" Shit Yah! Teak I got to go to the hospital i have an appointment to my pediatrician " i said then teak gave me a hug

" Take care Sunyon! DON'T FORGET TO BE ALERT WHILE DRIVING "Douksun yelled and i laugh while running to my car

" Aish Why does i need to be alone like this i'm taking care of my self and twins then wait where the hell is junghw-"

Back To 1988

" Maybe i will be a surgeon? or pediatrician for babys i like babys there cute and they make me want to cuddle them" i said and they smiled at me

"How about you teak? " Junghwan said while handing me our chips

" i Guess i will go back playing or i will study ? idk really now right know i just want to be in douksun's arms" Teak said and plant douksun many kisses they look very sweet and cute for me there the definition of love because i can't believe that my little teak is now a gentleman for he's girlfriend it's sweet i wish auntie can see this she will be happy for him

" Not being bitter teak but why it sound weird? "Junghwan said and we all laugh it out

~ Few days past ~

Today is the day we're know in the bus on the way where we will have our dance competition.
I'm so excited but not really because we have the alcoholic drink that junghwan makes us hide.
Teak is very sad because he can't join us he has a tournament again and he's not a student so he can't go.

~ When we arrived ~
After we arrived i literally fall asleep so douksun and her friends left me alone while i sleep then when i'm awake i buy a ice cream for myself i'm wearing my windbreaker it's purple and green
and many more colors an under that is a sweater its' junghwan's i wait for them then when they arrived i see douksun's friend has a crack bone in her arms.

" Shit how will we do the dance?" Douksun yelled

" Wait! Junghwan?! Sonwoo?! Dong-ryuong!? They can replace us?!" i yelled then douksun held my hand and we jump on happyness

" Ofc! We had there secret something so they can do that for us ! Omg! We will win this two cassette tapes surely!" Douksun said then before that we wait for them in the gate before the competition started we called them and they said its all right because we do there favor

" Finally you're here love! I missed you " i said and but my arms around his neck and kiss his cheek he smiled and look at sonwoo that's nervous for the dance thing

" Miss you more yoonie i thought i won't see you again because of dong-ryoung's dad he's following us but we lost him let's start this shall we? " He said and plant my face with kisses before he dance

there performance is in up there you can watch it and btw i will update again and soon i will publish as soon as possible

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To be continued Loves!

The new girl in the block ||| Kim jung-hwan /// reply 1988 Where stories live. Discover now