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Nadja's POV.

Gowther suddenly fainted and i panicked is he alright? What happened to him? He was unconscious on the ground i tried calling his name and waking him out but he just couldn't. Did i shocked him that much? Well i guess seeing someone dead would give you the shock of you're life. Well since he can't wake up i needed to carry him *sigh* i put my arm on his shoulders as i put my other arm on his waist. *grunt* he sure weighs a lot or he's just too heavy for me? I got up and walked slowly not caring if people are staring at me and this cute boy leaning on my shoulders somehow i managed to hold him after so many decades i even danced with him. I reached the inn where i was currently staying after i was revived. I reached for the door knob and opened it the old innlady smiled at me sweetly "Oh! Hello there dear where have you been this lovely night all glammed up? Oooooh~ and who's this?" She asked pointing at Gowther. "Well he's my lover, i was planning to look for him but i found him at the dance he suddenly fainted when he saw me but he's alright" i replied smiling. "Well if you lost him and found him again you two must be really destined to be together" she smiled.

My face turned pink at that statement as i excused myself to go to my room, i opened the door to my room as it made a creaking sound, i sighed as i put Gowther down the bed i smiled as i stared into his sleeping face he looks handsome as ever. As i was busy daydreaming about what adventure we were going to do now that i'm revived i suddenly flinched.Oh no...he was asleep so then the one that will change him his clothes were...ME! *gulp* i wasn't ready for this! Okay calm down are a princess be brave...breathe in,breathe out...*sigh* plus it's not the first time you'll see him naked you've seen him like that before you died-...SNAP OUT OF IT NADJA!

I brace myself for and gather all my courage it couldn't be that bad right just think that he was one of you're baby brothers who you need to change clothes with plus it's not an excuse that he's a doll he needs proper hygeine! There was a sudden knock on my door wonder who that was? I opened it and saw the inn-lady smiling at me. "Well i hope i'm not disturbing but is you're lover still asleep?" She asked gently. "Oh! Well yes he's still is" i replied nervously. "Well i suppose he might need this" she smiled and handed me a pair of blue pajamas. "Oh thank you so much i was already thinking to change him his clothes and i forgot i didn't have clothes for him silly me" i face palmed in embarassment. "Well he needs proper hygeine he can't just wear the same clothes to sleep" she giggled and turned around to leave and faced me again "Oh!I almost forgot all the rooms are soundproof anyways so nobody will hear or disturb the both if you decided to make-out...anyways have a nice night" she winked at me and went downstairs leaving me crimson red in embarassment.

Did she really have to say that...i shaked my head to snap out of my thoughts and closed the doors and locked it i closed the windows and curtains and glanced at Gowther who was peacefully sleeping at the bed i wonder if he's dreaming? Do dolls even dreams? I looked at the pajamas and smiled at the thoughtfulness of the inn-lady we really think alike is that because when i really lived i might be the same age as her probably? I was fully aware that my baby brothers are all grown up now they grow so much that they became old i also learned that Bartra had three beautiful daughters oh how i'd wish i could meet them, but if i told them i'm they're father's elder sister will they believe me? Probably not i assume they'll think i'm kidding and everyone will thought i'm the youngest not the eldest.

With my shaking hands i pick up the pajamas and walked towards him my heart feels like it could come out at my chest. I was standing beside him my face red as a beet, i started taking off his shoes and his jacket and then i stand up nd unbuttoned his polo i was turning redder by each second after that i slipped the top-half on him first and let out a sigh of relief. But i'm not done yet, i still needded to make him wear the bottom-half gathering all my courage i started to remove his pants i sure hope he has some underwear on i would faint if he doesn't had one. Breathing another sigh of relief realizing he had a underwear but i must admit he looked HOT- 'SNAP OUT OF IT NADJA! WHAT ARE YOU A PERVERT!' At last i'm done changing him i folded his clothes and was about to put it in my wardrobe and i flinched when i suddenly realized something...

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