Happy New Year

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It had been 6 days since Christmas. 6 days since the meeting between the murderous doll and mystical puppet. It was now, New year. For some, it's a sentimental time. A time to reflect on things that happened last year and what you can do to make things better for the next. For others it's simply about watching fireworks light up the midnight sky. For the Oak family, it was a case of both.

Chris's Pov:

"Come on Chris - we need to go!" I hear mum calling me from down stairs. I finish wrapping up my scarf and go down the steps too them in a few seconds, one hand holding the banister, the other holding Chucky. I get my trainers on just as my dad comes around the corner, pulling out the keys to the front door. He looks down to see me putting on my trainers, Chucky sitting next to me. "Nice choice mate." He says, referring to my shoes which he bought. His eyes then travel to Chucky, then back to me. "Little mate, are you sure you wanna bring him?" He says looking from Chucky to me then back again. "Yeah..I wanted to show Chucky the fireworks." Dad smiles before kneeling down to my height. "I'm sure you did but do you really wanna bring him all the way to the venue? We're gonna be walking there in the dark and you could loose him." He says calmly. I sigh. I know it's for the best. I also heard mum on the phone a few minutes ago, turns out her friend is also going and her son goes to my school. It's not that it would bother me if her kid knew I had Chucky - if I'm honest I think he'd find his scars cool but I do get how I could loose him in the dark. "Alright then." I say. Dad holds out his hands and I give Chucky too him. He then takes Chucky upstairs, probably to my room. Mum then comes around the corner, all wrapped up in warm clothing and a little bit of makeup on. "We'll be going in a minute and guess what I've got" She said in an excited voice whilst pulling out a large mix of my favourite sweets and chocolates in a small, plastic bag. I smile as she hands it to me, mum always has something to make me happy. "That's for you to hold.Wait until we get there - I know what your like." She says in a fake stern voice before walking back into the kitchen. Dad then came back down stairs. "Alrighty! We all ready to go?" He asked loudly, being jokingly dramatic. "I'm ready!" I say, hyped up for all the sugar and sights I'm going to take in. "Me too." Mum and Em reply, coming in from the kitchen. Dad nods before hurriedly opening the door- we can tell he's probably the most excited one of all of us. Mum goes through, then Em, then me and finally dad who locks the door behind him. He then takes mums hand and off we all go, our parents in front, me and Em behind. The thrill of the cold air and pitch black darkness that surrounds us envelopes me. Emily then turns on a torch and holds it in one hand before taking mine with her other. She then says, "Let's watch some fireworks and start this new year."

Chucky Pov:
I lay on Chris' bed, listening to the family's chatter down stairs. I cringe at how happy and cheerful they all sound. Honestly I don't know whether to be sick from the corniness or be glad they're finally fucking off. I get up into a sitting position as soon as I hear the door close. I then walk up to the window and watch as those dip shits walk off down the road. Once I determine that they're far enough (to put it simply, I waited until the torch light went around the corner) I jump off the bed, land on the floor and walk down the stairs to the kitchen. Once I'm there, I climb the handles to the draws, get up onto the counter, go into the cupboards and pull out a bottle off vodka. Setting it down on the counter top, I hop down and pull a chair from the table and set it by the fridge door. Climbing up the legs and then standing on the seat, I then pull the fridge door open. The cool, chilled air hits me and a soft, yellow light comes on. I catch sight of a can of coke and take it out. 'I'm sure they won't miss one.' I think to myself. After putting the coke down on the kitchen table and closing the fridge door, I turn back to the counter top. After bringing the vodka up onto the kitchen table and getting a glass, as well as some ice, I pour (what I'd call a small but most would call medium or large amount but fuck you) vodka into the glass then follow it with some coke."Huh. Didn't know you drank." Of fucking corse. I turn to see that dam dummy sitting on the counter by the cupboards, legs dangling over the side. His shining green eyes examining me as I put the lid back on the alcoholic drink. "Oh come the fuck on, these bitches never leave the house all together often and when they do I usually get taken with 'em! So how 'bout you cut me some slack and lemme have this." I say, maybe a little more aggressive than I intended but hey, I didn't want him to think he could ruin my fun. He put his hands up in peace before saying, "Fair enough. Do what you want it was just an observation." "It better be." I reply before talking a drink. "Dam mate if your gonna drink like that how fast do you wanna get drunk?" Slappy asked. "If I'm honest, as fast as fucking possible puppet boy." I replied. I mean, shit, it's been to dam long since I've been able to drink and I'd like a nice little brake from reality. I took another drink. That's went I realised and I practically choked on my drink."How the fuck did you even get down here? I didn't hear you going down the stairs?" I questioned, giving in a slightly disturbed, slightly confused look. The dummy just looked back at me for a second before bursting out into fits of laughter. "You..you-." He couldn't even make a full sentence with the amount he was laughing. It pissed me off. What? Did he think I was some kind of fool?! I took the knife out my pocket and let the light catch his eye. He stopped instantly and looked up at me, his face changing from one of amusement to what seemed to be slight fear. "Jeez..you can put that away." He said, eyeing the knife. I did but not before asking, "So what the fuck was so funny?" "You don't have to be aggressive. In fact, I think your just shy." He replied, a sly smile of amusement spread across his face. "You mother fucker.." I said, turning back to him. Shy? Me! Come the fuck on. That's probably one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. I sigh before Turing back to my drink and downing the lot. Hey, there wasn't a lot but it was still enough to bring a sense of calm. "Oh my.." Slappy muttered as he watched. "Ugh now what?" I say, turning back. "Well..there was a lot more vodka in that then coke that's all I'm saying." He replied, clearly surprised. I looked him dead in the eye before saying, "Fuck off."

Slappy Pov:

Well, he's kind of rude. But one thing I've learned from when people get drunk is that they normally say stuff they wouldn't if they were sober. I think I'll wait until he's properly drunk before asking him anything - there's a higher chance I'll be able to get some answers. I'd asked him questions the night we met but he hadn't answered anything, not to mention he just told me to 'f off'. I don't really swear to much but it seems that Chucky here's the complete opposite. He refills the glass with a little more vodka but this time he doesn't put in any coke. In fact he just goes ahead and downs the lot. I think humans call it a 'shot'? "So.." I say, choosing my words carefully. He turns his head to look at me, his face displaying what could have been slight irritation but could have been nothing at all. "So?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. "How long have ya been with this family?" I ask, better to start simple and work my way up as time passes. He takes another shot before saying, "Around three months, maybe more." Interesting... He takes another shot. A while passes and I ask more and more questions, starting to get them slightly more personal each time. He'd stopped taking shots after the sixth one - he seemed content. The things I'd found out about him were: His favourite colour was Red, he'd carried that knife around sense getting here and he thought that the entire family were a bunch of dickheads. And then.. "Sometimes I wish I was human again but bein' a doll definitely has its perks." Chucky said with a slight sigh. That caught my interest. "Used to be," I questioned, maybe I could find out some more about this guy. "You were human?" He turns to me, giving me a sly grin. I'm almost convinced I saw a slight sparkle in his eye. "Hell yes. But that's a full story on its own." He paused before continuing. "In fact if my whole life before coming here had to be explained it would probably take around 7 movies." Paused at that, sensing that this could be the perfect way to find things out. "Sounds like you've got a rather intriguing story to tell." I said, my words met with a slight grin from the Good Guy in front of me.

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