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)<><><>THE RECKONING<><><>(

TOP GUN is where I was raised, I always remember the yellow mornings on the base watching the planes take off, and streak into the air. I found my passion when I was three, and it never changed. My dad always took me for rides when I was young looking over the water and up to the sky.

But it's never been easy. No one has ever had it easy. I loved the base when I was little.

But when I went, and when I'm looking at it now I hate it.

I take a deep breath as I jump off my bike and look around. The sun is setting in California right now bathing everything in that evening gold. I Park my bike and pull out the keys. I walk toward Penny's bar The hard deck. They called us back, the best of the best, we don't know why. I'm just hoping that I remember people's names.

When I walk in the scene is alive, music is playing, people are laughing, and people are drinking. I smooth out my uniform and I'm about to walk to the pool tables before I see a very familiar head.

"PHENIX, What the hell." I run up to the girl that I've known for what feels like forever. " I had no idea you would be here" we both laugh as we pull apart from the hug.

"I was called back, and of course, you were too, but I was in such a rush I didn't even think about calling." we laugh together as we walk over to the pool tables.

"Shit, why in the hell did they call back bagman," I say as I walk behind Hangman and hug him.

"Oh come on Ana you know I'm the best here." I give him a sideways glance, and then we both laugh and high-five. ' Damn Ana, you look great"

"Thank you, wish I could say the same to you." I hear phoenix snort as Hangman swats me on the arm. I turn around to face phoenix, she looks almost the same as she did when we went through TOP GUN together, same chestnut hair and that famous smile that spreads to everyone around her. This group of people around me was my people, no matter how much I wanted to forget my time at TOP GUN, I needed to remember how I survived. I look up the bar and see my poor old man sitting on the other end talking to Penny, as she reaches up and rings the bell, oh the one thing I love about my dad is his painfully terrible flirting skills, and free beer. I stride up to the bar while chuckling at my dad. "Hey Penny can I get a round of beer on the old man," I say while winking at my father and then pulling him into a hug. I pull away and grab the round, and go stand next to Phoenix.

Over the loud chatter of the bar, I hear the bell on the door ring its chime as I look over. Rooster. He looked the same but somehow completely different. He wore a plain white shirt with one of his button-ups that are never buttoned - with his sunglasses. I wanted to run, cry, scream, disappear. Instead, I looked at Phoenix and gave her a small look- she knew what I meant.

"Bradshaw as I live and breath," Hangman says with a smirk.

"Well if it isn't bagman, how are you." Rooster replied with a smile. His voice makes me feel as if daggers had been shoved into my body, making my hair stand up on end.

"I'm doing great, I am great." I roll my eyes.

Phoenix walks up to Bradly and gives him a hug, "It's good to see you again, been too long." She smiled at him, he smiled back. She introduced rooster to payback, bob, and fanboy, and of course, she had to throw me into the mix I waved then looked away not making eye contact. "Girl, I love you but you need to stop letting him get to you," Phenix said when Rooster walked away. she was right but I was not going to admit that to her.

"I'm fine" I walk behind the pool table and shoot a shot to keep from looking at him. Hangman comes back from messing with the jukebox and playing a song that he knows will just get on Rooster's nerves. I look up at Hangman he is giving that cocky grin that he knows everyone hates. I look up, muster some courage and look to Bradley. I immediately regret it, all the memories, the late nights, the laughs come rushing back. I grasp at the memories, but they all slip away-maybe a part of me is glad they do. He hates you get over it, Ana. I look away and walk over to Phoenix. "I'm going to go," I grab my leather jacket before I hear Penny ring the bell again, signaling an explosion from the bar, today's victim my dad - of course. Hangman and some of the other aviators walk over, lift him up, and throw him out, wait till they find out they just threw out their teacher. I start walking out before Nat grabs me by the shoulders, and turns me around.

"Nope, I'm not gonna let you keep hiding, where is the Invert who loved fun, and being stupid around the people who love her? You are staying right here till I tell you that you can leave." I try to argue but she shushes me, I crack a smile "There's my girl." We start laughing when all of a sudden we hear the jukebox cut out and piano notes start playing. I turn to see Hangman looking offended while Bradley sits at the piano, oh god.

He starts playing his song Great Balls Of Fire. Nat starts pulling me over but I can't move, I'm stuck in my head. "I'm sorry," I whisper to her as I turn the other way, but before I make it out I hear him, and his father's song.

You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain, too much lovin' drives a man insane.

God this hurts.


Me and Bradley are sitting on the piano, goose and dad singing like idiots. Dad picks me up and spins me around while Bradley just sits on the piano and smiles as he sings with his father. This is happy, before he lost everone. This was home. Dad, who has loved me since I could remember, crazy uncle goose who was the one that held everyone together, and Bradley, my best friend.

goodness graces great balls of fire!

Bradley and I sing with everone. This was how I was raised, family, and top gun was all I wanted. And then I lost it.

present day

I hear Bradley finish is song as the bar erupts into laughter and cheer, as Bradley dances around like a idiot. He looks up and sees me, his smile drops and he looks away. I run outside grab my bike throw the keys into the ignition and ride. I don't know where, or how fast i'm going, I just ride. I Feel the wing engulf me, covering me in a muggy blanket, I welcome it. I want to be numb, to stay how I was. Cold. Sick. Invisible. Alone. The Memories are a casket, plunging me into darkness, and leaving me with no hope of escape. All this time I've kept the memories away. Locked them until they were so far that I could forget, but no one can ever really forget. I just keep going until the tears block my vision. I Pull onto the beach and sit on the sand, my tears darkening the sand beneath me as they fall, this is what he left behind, scraps, and broken pieces.

I Hear my phone buzz, thinking it's Nat worrying about me I look at the screen.

I'm going to be home tommorw, come by and see your sick old uncle ice.

                              Ice, I have work tomorrow.

I'm not asking.

Here is the thing about uncle Ice, he had always been there for me. When dad would go on missions I would sit on his lap and cry until I knew my dad was safe. Ice had also always been my biggest critic, he always knew what I was doing when it came to the Navy. I've known him for as long as I can remember, from when my dad would bring me on the base and Ice would sneak me chocolate from the cafeteria, even though he could have just eaten it himself. 

I look out to the water, there is so much more to life than betrayal. So I pick myself up, wipe my tears, and the sand, and ride to Penny's house.


THE RECKONING '.'.'. bradley &quot;rooster&quot; bradshawWhere stories live. Discover now