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"Ay yo Bradley got to be faster than that," I scream to Bradley as he chases me around Penny's yard. I laugh as he slips on the grass causing him to fall and groan when he hits the ground. I walk over to him, leaning over I smile as I tell him, "See I'm better than you, but I'm nice so I'll give you your cookie." He grabs at the cookie laughing.

"I don't think kind is the right word Ana, but whatever makes you feel better." I gasp and pretend like I'm offended while I lay down next to him on the grass, making him chuckle at me. I pull my polaroid camera out that Goose got me when I started flying and checked to make sure there was film in it.

"Can I take a picture of us and your delicious homemade cookie?" I ask Bradley as he nods and throws his arm around me, and sticks his tongue out, making me laugh, and then I take the picture while I take a bite of his cookie. Once he realizes what I did he gasps and rolls me over, as he stands up.

"You are so dead for that Analisse." As I get up he starts sprinting toward me, picking me up and holding me upside down over his shoulder. I start laughing as he tickles me, making me go a little lightheaded. He puts me down after a few seconds and hands me my camera. I give him a look, he just laughs at me and he hugs me, crushing me into his chest. "I'm sorry but you took a bite of my cookie, you deserved it." We both start laughing and stay hugging under the sunset for what feels like a lifetime.

I hear my alarm go off as I lay in my bed already awake. I roll out of bed and let my eyes adjust to the light, as I turn on the lamp on my desk. I take a breath, this guy needs to stop controlling my thoughts. I haven't thought about Roster in over five years, why am I letting him get to me so much? 

I wanted things to be different, I still had hope that it would be. I wanted us to laugh about what happened someday. Part of me also wanted an apology. That is what is getting to me. Hope is cruel, always has been always will be.

I take a shower welcoming the hot water on my body as I focus on only it. I go through my routine feeling a sense of deja vu to my top gun days. Same routine every day.

I walk down the stairs to find Penny up making bacon, eggs, and hash browns. The smell wafts into my face causing my mood to instantly rise. "Morning Ana, need any breakfast I made extra," Penny smiles at me but, though I don't want to I turn down the invitation.

"Don't feel like puking today, I can only imagine what Dad has up his sleeve." I grab a banana before grabbing my keys for the motorcycle. "Bye Pen, say morning to Amelia once she wakes up," I shout behind my shoulder as I close the door to the house, walking toward my bike. I grip the handles while climbing onto it. I kick off and feel the motor and speed take over, giving me the slight rush of adrenaline that helps wake me up, and what all pilots live off of.


"Good morning, welcome to your first training detachment. All of you are graduates, the best of the best," Cyclone looks at us as he starts his speech, while I try not to glance back at Rooster. "That was yesterday." We all sat up straighter wondering where he was going with this. "We no longer hold the technical advantage, the enemy fifth-generation fighter levels the playing field. Success now more than ever is dependent on the man or woman in the cockpit." Hangman smirks at me and Phenix to which we roll our eyes, and I raise my hand placing it on my temple and flipping him off. "Half of you will make the cut, and one of you will be team leader, the rest of you will be on reserve."

"Your instructor is a top gun graduate, he has the real-life experience, and his exploits are legendary." Ok, I would not say legendary, like I know he is our teacher but he isn't that good. Footsteps start approaching from behind, everyone turns to look. Bradley's face goes cold, as he turns around and lets anger, and resentment stream off him. I see Hangman go white as he realizes this was the man he was heckling last night, at the bar. Phoenix turns to me and gives me a "look", which shows she is upset for not telling me, I give her a shrug. " He is known as one of the best pilots this program has produced, and he will help you with your mission. I give you Captin Pete Mitchel, call sign "Maverick."
I snicker under my breath watching everyone squirm, but I make sure I look professional.

THE RECKONING '.'.'. bradley &quot;rooster&quot; bradshawWhere stories live. Discover now