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Lucy looked up when the door opened and Peter and Susan walked inside.
"You're back!", she exclaimed and ran up to them.

Peter picked her up and greeted her laughing, while Susan put down her school bag and disappeared.

Lucy's excited face faded as Peter put her down again.
"Did something happen?", she asked sadly.

"I don't know, but she was sad the whole day", Peter said. "If I remember correctly, she already had been sad a long time."

His voice became slower as he realised that he hadn't been there for her.

"I should go and talk to her-"

"Peter!", Mrs. Pevensie called from the kitchen.

Lucy looked to the stairs and then to Peter.

"I'll go and talk to her!", she said and Peter smiled before heading to his mother.

Lucy ran up the stairs and saw Susan's almost closed room door.

She slowly walked in.

"Su?", she asked and her sister looked up, her eyes red.

Lucy wanted to cry herself when she saw her like that.

Quickly she came over, sat next to Susan and wrapped her arms around her.

Susan started to sob and hugged her back.

"I'm sorry that I pulled the mood down-", Susan started but Lucy shook her head.

"Don't be. You're feelings are important! You are my sister, and I care for you."

They stayed like this for a while, before Susan started to talk.

She told Lucy of all her problems in school, or how everyone viewed her as the dumb and pretty girl, and how they teased her for looking good but didn't notice her other values.

About how she didn't feel good or brave enough or stupid.

Lucy listened to all of it, and when Susan had finished, she said:"I didn't know that anyone could ever think that you're stupid. I think you are very smart. Peter thinks you're very smart! And you are sooooo beautiful! Your classmates must be pretty dumb if they don't see that."

Susan giggled and the door opened.

Peter looked inside.

"Am I disturbing anything?", he quietly asked and Susan shook her head.

He sat down on Susan's other side and placed his arm around her shoulders.

"You know, I don't need to know what is wrong, but I'm always here for you", he said.
Susan smiled, as another tear shed from her eye.

"I love you two", she quietly said and sniffed.

Lucy smiled and hugged her a little bit tighter. "We love you too", she said.

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