01 - A New Corporate Lawyer

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"Ma'am. Mrs. Moretti called in five minutes ago. You're needed in the office."

"Okay." I nod at my secretary. I drop all of my sketches on the table and pick up the papers I have to present to the board in next week's meeting. As I leave the office, I recall all the things that I have been practicing since last night, for me not to stutter while presenting. I push myself inside the elevator, pressing the highest number there is.

My hand smooths out my skirt and my posture straighten instinctively, as the door closes. I have to at least make myself look presentable. Enough people have judged me as the CEO's daughter who can do whatever she wants, however she wants, wherever she wants because I'm the daughter. The one and only daughter the Moretti's have.

I knock on the two-wide door twice. From afar, it looks like metal. Much like everything else in this floor and the whole building. The bright white paint hides the fact that it's wooden. According to my Dad, the door never deteriorates and it has been passed down generations after generations. It's either my parents believe that it's the company's good luck, or they just don't have the heart to remove it and replace it with something brand new, given the fact that our building goes through a lot of renovation.

My mother never called me to her office unless it's something really urgent and important. What makes my heart thump more is that I know the company is doing well, and we have never reached the brink of bankruptcy in all 45 years of service. So, what could be her reason to suddenly call me in? I know for sure I'm not getting fired. That's rarer than seeing a white crow flying across the sky.

"Come in." I hear her say through the door which signals me to walk in. My mom looks panicked when we made eye contact, putting a hand over her mouth to suppress the sound of her voice.

"I know honey, I've tried." She holds up a finger at me to wait. "We have no choice. I'm talking to Stella after this call. She has to know."

My eyebrow rises. What was so important that got mom agitated? The company's not getting bought, or is it? I never fully knew how this corporate thing works, all I knew is I am my parents' employee and I work for them.

"Bye, I love you too. Take care, hon." So, she was talking to dad. Figured, Dad should be the only one she calls hon and honey.

Mom walks towards to where I am standing, a sigh escaping her lips when she reaches me. I was surprised by my mother's touch as she holds my free hand, giving it few squeezes before looking directly into my eyes. "We're hiring Chris as our corporate lawyer." The bomb drops.

"What?!" I blurted out. "What happened to Mr. Robinson? He's like, the lawyer of our company for the last forty years!"

"I know sweetie. But Mr. Robinson is old and he's retiring." She explained. "Chris is our best choice. He's young. He's thriving. He knows how to handle businesses. He's the most in-demand lawyer right now! We're lucky we got him."

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