In death

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"So what are you going to do now?"


There was only one answer to that question. Vegas wasn't a child anymore. He knew what the stakes were. Kinn was distracted without Porsche, Korn was in the hospital, Tankhun wasn't even a fair opponent and Kim hadn't been a part of the equation for years.

It was time to strike.

If Vegas wanted to survive, he had to join his dad. After all, the main family was out to get Vegas' blood, anyway.

"You should know," Porsche said, as Vegas revved the engine. "That Pete is trying to seal his mate mark."

Vegas stalled, kicking the bike stand back into place.

"What? Why?"

There was no need pretending. Porsche knew. Porsche had practically admitted that he knew Pete was with Vegas. And even if he didn't... there was no way Porsche didn't know about the safehouse.

But the soulmate part of it, that was new.

"I took him to see a doctor."

Vegas didn't know what to say.

"I'm assuming that if you could do those things to him without feeling it yourself," Porsche frowned. "If you could do that to him, then your own mark is sealed. Am I right?"

Vegas nodded, stiffly.

"If he doesn't want you-"

"I'm never doing anything he doesn't want me to do again, Porsche."

Porsche watched him, the picture of a man too broken to even argue with Vegas. He looked like he wanted to say a lot, wanted to give Vegas a shovel talk of some sort. But there was nothing left in Porsche anymore. He didn't even look like he'd be any good in a fight.

"Just take care of him," Porsche said, in the end.

But that wasn't something Vegas needed to be told. Pete was precious. Pete was important. Vegas had no idea what the outcome of the day would be, but he'd be damned if anyone from his side so much as touched a hair on Pete's head.


"You will be well advised to turn around and go home."


Yeah, like that was going to happen.

Papa fired the first shot, and all hell broke loose. Not that Vegas hadn't been expecting that. They'd come to kill and/or die. Someone was bound to go first. And if Chan didn't mean business, he shouldn't have raised his gun in the first place.

Vegas charged into the mansion, firing at will. His target was Kinn, but it was incredibly unfortunate that Kinn was guarded by Pete. His men were hindered from firing clear shots and the few times Vegas could have hit Kinn, Pete was in the fucking way. A moment's pause nearly cost Vegas his life as a shot went right past his ear. He ducked out of the way. But as he did so, he saw Pete dragging one of the bodyguards away.

Pol, was it?

He'd been hit and Pete was dragging him to safety. Which was awesome because that meant Kinn was alone, pinned down, ripe for the taking. Vegas stood, reloading his gun as he aimed, moving closer to where Kinn was. This was it. The moment his entire life had been gearing towards. Because, now, Papa would see. He would know that Vegas had caught Kinn. He'd beaten Kinn. He'd done what even Papa himself couldn't do.

He heard the shot from behind him go off. Wondering what his men could possibly be shooting at since they couldn't even see Kinn yet, Vegas turned around. There, Porsche was, geared up, firing at Vegas' men who had been facing the other direction. In a few steps, Porsche had taken out nearly half the men in the area, cutting right through to where Kinn.

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