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To say no one was surprised to see Professor Snape standing where usually the lovable Professor Lupin stands would be a lie. The Gryffindors- and very few Slytherins- had many questions regarding the whereabouts of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. The Slytherin headmaster quickly shut them down with firm instructions to turn to the Impediment Jinx on their textbooks.

The Gryffindors visibly sag and groan in their seats. Having Professor Snape for potions is enough as it is; they didn't need him intruding in a class they actually enjoy. Meanwhile, most Slytherins act indifferently, but others admit that while they like Snape's clear preference over them, they like Professor Lupin more as a teacher. It's a bummer he is not present today.

After explaining the basics of the spell, Professor Snape separates them into pairs. As a fan of promoting house camaraderie, or rather discord, he assigns a Gryffindor to each Slytherin. As luck will have it, Lyra is paired with George.

"I believe congratulations are in order," Lyra says as they walk to the end of the line Snape assembled.

She doesn't worry much about the others hearing her as most are busy arguing with their partners.

"Worried we'll beat Slytherin in the final game?" George asks, jutting his bottom lip out in fake pity.

"I couldn't care less about Quidditch. Just try not to kill each other," Lyra shrugs, raising her wand to cast the impediment jinx on him.

"Good job, Miss Malfoy," Snape nods, doing the counter charm on George as he walks down the line of students till he reaches them. He doesn't say much else as he hurries down the line of students to correct a pair who can only seem to freeze one body part at a time.

"Do you have prefect duties tonight?" George whispers not so discretely, holding his wand in his right hand and pointing it at her.

"I'm supposed to, but I wasn't planning on it. Why?" Lyra looks at him in question.

"I wanted to hear your thoughts on something," he says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

And for him, it is obvious that it was the only time they could speak freely without anyone questioning them. Many times now, George has sneaked out of the Gryffindor common room and from his brother to spend time with Lyra. Especially since she has stopped complaining and lets him join without much of a fight.

"It'll have to wait." She tells him while shaking her head, "You're crazy if you think I'm doing them with a murderer on the loose."

A few days ago, Sirius Black was spotted in the boys' dormitory, specifically in Harry Potter's bedroom. Knowing he knows the ins and outs of the castle and no one has caught him gives Lyra the willies. She's waiting for the last moment possible to tell Snape she can't do patrol tonight.

"Is Lyra Malfoy scared?" George teases her, casting the jinx on her. She freezes on her spot with a glare. George stifles a laugh, quickly undoing the jinx.

"I'm not scared, and I'm not stupid either. I'm not putting my life on the line for someone who doesn't understand curfews and why they are in place," she continues as if she hadn't been interrupted.

"Scaredy cat," George scoffs with an insufferable smile. At this point, they start to look like the rest of their classmates as they begin to bicker.

"I'm not scared," She glares at him with her eyebrows furrowed and arms crossed.

"Don't get so crossed, Lyra" he rolls his eyes before saying, "It's okay to be a chicken."

Before Lyra gets the chance to call him a rude name Professor Snape stops in front of them.

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