32 || Bad Day, Terrible Week

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A few weeks after the second task, another Hogsmeade trip is scheduled. Students from the third year and above happily walk to the small town to enjoy the warm weather. It rained the night before, so the smell of petrichor was fresh in the air, and the floor was slippery. Fred, George, and Lee push each other around as they slip across the stone floor. The trio woke up bright and early to seize the day. Their first stop is Zonkos because despite spending most of their time expanding their new business, they have a reputation to uphold.

Their second stop is a small apothecary where they get ingredients for their inventions. The owner is becoming more and more familiar with the twins. She has them locked in her memory, considering they have spent a pretty penny on her small shop. Knowing this, she's more than happy to give them small discounts and samples to keep them happy and loyal.

"What have you been up to lately? I've been feeling excluded," Lee complains, walking between the twins.

No one mentioned it, but the twins have acted strange or stranger than usual since the Yule Ball. They appeared to have disagreed that night since the following meals were tense and filled with snappy remarks no one understood. The twins' closest friends, Alicia, Lee, and Angelina, were afraid to ask what caused such discord between them.

That night of the Yule ball when Fred walked Angelina to the common room, he was his usual goofy, flirty self. Alicia also agreed that George was himself too, although a bit distracted. Lee added that they were seen together dancing and singing during the party. It leaves the question, what happened right after the Yule Ball?

In a moment of privacy, Angelina asked Fred if he was alright, and he fully dodged the question. Further confirming her thoughts that he and George were in strife, yet no matter how much she prodded, Fred kept quiet about the issue. Surprising, considering he seriously thought about exposing Lyra to the whole school.

Lee did the same with George and came empty-handed as well. The twins have always been secretive, but this is a new level. Granted, the twins have eased up and are no longer mad at each other. But there is a secret between them as they don't confide in Lee as much anymore and have taken to disappear at random intervals during the day.

"Whatever do you mean?" Fred feigns innocence, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"You've been sneaking off constantly, ditching me with the girls. I've heard things no guy should ever know," Lee shudders, thinking about all the girl talk he had to endure. He learned all there is about periods, how to flirt and leave them wanting more, and skin care charms—which did come in handy.

"Us?" George questions indignantly.

"Sneaking around?" Fred follows immediately.

"Never," they both say in unison.

"Whatever," Lee shakes his head at them. "Is that Lyra Malfoy with Fleur Delacour?"

The dark skin boy points at a group of girls walking ahead of them. There are three of them, including Lyra. She's walking right alongside Fleur Delacour with their arms hooked. If he listens carefully, he can make out they aren't speaking English, so much for eavesdropping.

"I believe it is," George hums, keeping his eye on his girlfriend. She's clearly comfortable around the Beauxbatons champion despite the rumors that run around the castle about Fleur.

As much as the champion has struck the male population, it has led to her leaving a trail of jealous girls behind. There is nothing more vicious than a hoard of insecure teenage girls. They have put Fleur's name through the mud and have highlighted her worst qualities. Fleur hasn't helped much either, as she constantly turns up her nose at the foundations and traditions of Hogwarts, much like her Headmistress.

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