Chapter 21🍋

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only somewhat smutty

I woke up and got ready for school. Three weeks until Halloween. I've been quiet lately, too scared that the creepy stalker guy will tell anyone

I drove to school and saw my group
"Hey y/n" randy said with a smile
"Hey rand" I gave a weak smile. I've barely been able to sleep
"You ok?" Tatum asked placing a hand on my shoulder
"Yeah just tired" I chuckled a little but everyone's faces are set on worry

"Guys I'm fine" I smiled. They all nodded and the bell rang

I walked to English with billy, it was a quiet walk. Usually I'm talking about something random but I'm scared that if I open my mouth I'll talk about the mystery phone guy

"Y/n, y/n" Billy asked. I snapped out of my daze and realized we stopped
"Hey, sorry" I rub my eyes
"You don't seem ok. Do you want to ditch? Stu is ditching today, we can go" I smiled at his concern

"Sure. I don't really feel like taking notes all day, I'll fall asleep" I chuckled
"Have you been sleeping ok?" He took my hand in his and we were walking to the entrance where Stu was waiting
"Yeah, yeah just.. nightmares ya know" I chuckle trying to make it seem less important

He looked back at me with concern written all over his face. He squeezed my hand a little
"Me and Stu are always here for you if you need anything" I smiled
"I know" he turned back and we were close to the entrance

Stu was leaning on the wall outside whistling. Once he saw me and Billy he smiled

"Hey sunshine" I smiled
"Hey Stuey" I said tiredly. He frowned a bit but forced the same smile on his face
"So where are we going?" I looked at both of them
"We're going around town" Stu said excitedly

While we were in the car Billy and Stu kept glancing back at me in the mirror with worried looks. I tried not to notice but it was evident

Once we parked we just walked around for a couple minutes until we found a store that we liked well I liked it and they came along. I started looking around at everything until I found a necklace that was really pretty

 I started looking around at everything until I found a necklace that was really pretty

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sorry if you don't like it

"You want it?" I jumped when I heard Stu right beside me
"I'll probably come back and get it later. I didn't bring my wallet" I was placing it down when he picked it up and walked away

"Stu what are you doing?" I asked walking towards him. He set it down on the counter for the cashier
"I'm getting the necklace, duh" he smiled at me

"No Stu you don't have to-" he cute me off
"Nope! Already buying" he pulled out a couple dollars and gave it to the cashier

Stu picked up the necklace and faced towards me
"Turn around pretty lady" Stu said smiling. I smiled and turned, putting up my hair

He clasped the necklace on and I turned back around. I looked down at the necklace and smiled

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