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It's been almost a week since Esther and I last talked. After that day, she never visited again. There was no way I could contact her. She didn't have a phone and although I'm sure she had a home phone with how old the house was, I never got the chance to ask for the phone number. I spent time reflecting on what I said. Maybe I shouldn't have suggested killing her dad out loud. I should have kept that to myself. I just thought that Esther hated her dad as much as I hated mine.

I've thought about visiting her. But I didn't want to look desperate if I showed up at her door too early after she stormed out. I also wanted to give her time to cool down. I think in the next couple of days, I would go visit her and finally talk things out. Right now though, I was getting ready for a party. A college party that is. My friends and I had planned to go ever since we got invited, which was a few weeks ago. It's said to be one of the biggest college parties ever. And I had to look perfect.

I was already dressed in my outfit - the dress I wore was the one I picked out the day Esther stormed out. I added heels and a simple necklace and earrings. My hair was down and in beach waves. I stood in front of my vanity mirror, finishing my makeup with a dark lip color. I heard my phone ding and then a car entering the driveway.

We're here. The text said on my phone.

Hold on, I have to find my dad and tell him I'm leaving, I replied. I looked at myself one last time in the mirror and then headed out. There were a couple of places my dad might be. He's either in his office doing paperwork or in the gym working out. I dreaded talking to him, but if I didn't tell him I was going out, he would get pissed.

I walked quickly through the halls, wanting to leave. He wasn't in his office, so I went to the gym. My heels clicked against the floors as I made my way downstairs. Before long, I was nearing the gym. I heard my dad before I saw him. I rolled my eyes. I swear he exaggerated his noises to make it seem like he was working out harder than he actually was. I rounded the corner and saw my dad at the bench press. Loud rock music from the past blared throughout the room. I walked to the speakers and turned them off, not caring how my dad reacted.

My dad didn't look up when the music stopped. He already knew it was me who turned it off. He grunted as he placed the metal bar on its stand and sat up. He was only wearing athletic shorts and that's it. I wouldn't lie when I said my dad wasn't ripped. Because he was. He had a six-pack and decent biceps.

"I'm leaving," I said. I saw his eyes look over what I was wearing. I swallowed.

"Come here." He said, beckoning me closer with his finger. I stiffened.

"My friends are here." I voiced monotonously. I wanted to go now.

"I said come here." His voice boomed. I clenched my fists. Just as I was about to step forward, the doorbell rang and Tara's voice faintly yelled, "Nina! Hurry up, bitch!" I exhaled shakily, relief washed over me. Thank you, Tara. I could hear my heartbeat through my ears. Now was my time to go. Without another word, I turned around and walked quickly out of the gym and down the hall. Not quick enough though.

"I'll be here when you get back." His voice resonated through the halls. The music turned on again. I stopped by the bathroom first to gather my wits. I leaned against the marble sink. My hands gripped the edge until my knuckles turned white. I took deep breaths in and out, calming my heart rate. I looked up at myself. My eyes were wide and glistening with tears. I grabbed a towel and dabbed at my eyes until they were gone. The doorbell rang again. My phone made a noise again with another text notification. My friends were waiting for me. I could not be sad.

A smile slowly crept on my face.


Music boomed throughout the house. It drowned out my worries. For once, I relaxed. I was in the middle of the dance floor. Tens of bodies surrounded me - I felt them all around me. The heat from their bodies was almost suffocating. The room was dark, only illuminated with LED strobe lights planted around every corner of the house. It smelled like sweat and alcohol, and weed.

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