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(Really quick just wanna say shoutout to Qtarogf for the amazing stand ideas so thank you very very much and back to the fanfic!)

Y/n A mafioso joined at the young age of 15 now at the ripe age of 24 it had been 9 years since she met risotto nero that fateful night.

She was alone on that night wondering empty alleyways she felt like someone or something was watching her every move. She'd turn around every 20 seconds to make sure no one was following her around the shadowed alleys after the 4th time she look back there was a 6'5 man staring back at her with cold red eyes.

Y/n froze and stared back at the approaching man. She Backed up only for her back to hit a metal fence,she was cornered the man suddenly stopped 3 feet away from her. He leaned down infront of her face red eyes staring into her soul. "Are you in the mafia" he said. She was absolutely terrified she answered with a quick "no" to the man and he lifted his face back letting out a deep sigh.

You stared at the man as he pulled out a card from his pocket. He stuck out his hand with the card in it waiting for you to take it, you shakily reached your hand out and took it from him. You pulled it to your face to read it,only for it to be to dark to see all you could make out was some numbers. "Think about it." He said,the man turnt around and walked away just as he left the ally way it started to storm.

With every lightning strike lighting up the sky she could make out was the card had on it, a phone number and a name "risotto nero" She read aloud. Odd name,she thought to herself.

Soon after she decided she had nothing to lose she joined risotto nero as he formed a group of assassins. After awhile new members joined, illuso,pesci,formaggio,melone,Prosuttio, sorbet,gelato and ghiacchio. You being first of course.

Soon after joined you awakened your stand master of puppets and after being trained by risotto himself you were ready to start...

To be continued..

I hope everybody enjoyed this it took me a few days even tho it's very short I put thought into it! Also thank you very very much to @Qtarogf for the amazing stand ideas the next chapter (with should come out after this one!) Will be a info card about yn and their stand! But I hope everyone has a amazing day or night arriverdaci!

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