Chapter 4

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(Picture is squirrel/Lilypaw)

When we went our separate ways, Adderpaw, Lilypaw, Me and our mentors all stayed together.

"I was thinking we could show them around the territory, then go hunting. Greenleaf will be over soon, and it will start getting colder." Sorreltail suggested.

"Good idea, Sorreltail." Graystripe mewed.

"What do you guys think? A tour of the territory then hunting?" Brightheart asked us.

"I think it sounds good." Adderpaw meowed, Lilypaw and I nodding in agreement.

We started to walk towards the thorn barrier, but we were stopped.


I turned around and saw the other mentors and their apprentices. Brambleclaw, Sandstorm, Dustpelt, Cloudtail, Thornclaw, Brackenfur, Ashfur, and Spiderleg. Their apprentices were behind them. Berrypaw, Honeypaw, Hazelpaw, Cinderpaw, Poppypaw, Hollypaw, Lionpaw, and Mousepaw.

"What is it, Brambleclaw?" Graystripe asked.

"We should take all the apprentices out for some battle training instead, to see what the rouges know. And then hunting." Brambleclaw mewed.

"That seems like a great idea!" Brightheart meowed excitedly.

They kept talking, but I was having a staring contest with Ashfur. We were trying to see who would look away first. It wasn't a game though, this was a competition. I wanted to show him I was better than him. There are 11 apprentices, so I'll see if I can fight him, and prove that I'm stronger.

"Hello? Nightpaw!" I saw a paw waving in front of my face and I snapped back to reality.

"Hm? What?" I asked.

"I said who would you like as your training partner?" Sorreltail asked.

"Ashfur." I said. Sorreltail looked at me, confused.

"I meant an apprentice..." She said, unsure.

"Well, there are 11 apprentices, so one of us would be without a partner. And my mother taught me to fight. I want to fight a grown cat, like myself. I'd hate to hurt one of the apprentices." I reasoned.

"I don't see why not. I'd be glad to fight her." Ashfur said, with eyes narrowed.

He gets it. We want to finish our fight from earlier.

"Very well." Sorreltail dipped her head.

The rest of the apprentices paired up. Lilypaw was with Hollypaw, Adderpaw with Lionpaw, Berrypaw and Mousepaw, Honeypaw and Poppypaw, and Cinderpaw with Hazelpaw.

I stood next to Ashfur, kneading my claws into the ground.

"First up, Honeypaw and Poppypaw!" Brambleclaw yowled. "Show them how we fight, and remember, keep your class sheathed."

Honeypaw and Poppypaw circled each other, then Honeypaw made the first move, lunging towards Poppypaw and swiping her paw across her legs, but Poppypaw jumped before she could be knocked over, and landed on Honeypaw's back, pushing her onto her stomach and dealing soft blows with her paws across her ears. Honeypaw tried to get up, but failed. She kept flailing until Brambleclaw told them to stop and announced Poppypaw the winner.

"Now that you've seen how we do things, I'd like to see Adderpaw and Lionpaw."

Adderpaw and Lionpaw immediately lunged at each other, trying to use their weight against their opponent. They were both knocked backwards. Lionpaw was the first up, and leaped towards Adderpaw, who rolled out of the way. He jumped to his feet and dealt a strong blow to the side of Lionpaw's head, dazing him. Adderpaw leaped forward, grabbing Lionpaw's scruff, and flung him across the clearing.

'Lionpaw may be big for an apprentice, but Adderpaw is a full grown cat, and big for a cat.' I thought to myself.

Lionpaw hit a tree and landed with a thud on the ground, not moving.

Adderpaw looked at Lionpaw in terror, probably not because he may have killed him, but because he may be sent out of the clan and punished by Fang.

"Lionpaw?" He asked nervously, sniffing the young Tom.

Lionpaw suddenly sprang up, and knocked Adderpaw backwards. Adderpaw breathed a sigh of relief, glad that he wasn't dead. Lionpaw flew at Adderpaw in a whirl of fur, dealing a powerful blow right between his eyes. Then he jumped back, so Adderpaw couldn't counterstrike.

I noticed he was favoring one of his paws, standing awkwardly so no weight was on the shoulder he hit the tree with. Adderpaw seemed to notice it as well. He leaped and Lionpaw, and slammed his paw into his injured shoulder, causing Lionpaw to yowl and fall over. Using his strong paws, Adderpaw flipped him over, exposing his belly fur, and pinned him down with a paw on each shoulder, being careful not to injure the toms shoulder further.

"The fight between Adderpaw and Lionpaw is over! The winner is Adderpaw!" Brambleclaw yowled.

The rest of the fights continued, with the winners being Hollypaw, Berrypaw, and Cinderpaw. So in total, the winners so far are Adderpaw, Poppypaw, Berrypaw, Hollypaw, and Cinderpaw. There was one left, me and Ashfur.

"Ashfur and Nightpaw, you're up." Brambleclaw mewed.

'Be strong like Adderpaw, swift like Hollypaw, quick like Poppypaw, clever like Cinderpaw, and... Annoying like Berrypaw?' I thought to myself.

We circled eachother warily, never losing each others gaze. Then he lunged.





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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2015 ⏰

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