19 Poem

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The poem begins not where the knife enters but where the blade twists.

Hanif Abdurraqib


"Here's the plan, Zahir." He lays out a paper before his vizier. "Since Al Hadi asked for my opinion, these are the names I'll give him as the replacement of my officials in Qahira, now when I'm no more the governor."

His vizier carefully studies each of the names on the list before his lips pull up into a knowing smile. "Ah, wise of you, my Ameer. I see what you're trying to do. But Ameer Sulaiman is no child. He'll see through our plan."

"He certainly will." He rolls back the paper. "These are names of the officials who are neutral in their opinion towards me and Sulaiman. If they're promoted by my suggestion, I'll earn their favor. If not, Sulaiman earns their disapproval."

"I'm sure Ameer Sulaiman will try to find a middle ground."

"Doesn't matter, Zahir. Whether he acts upon my opinion or not, in either case the loss will be his and we'll be left in at least some benefit for showing favor towards these men."

"Very well, my Ameer. Now, have you thought what position will you request for in the court of Al Hadi?"

His tongue flicks at the corner of his mouth as it curves upwards. "Oh, I've thought about it as well."


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They had longed crossed the borders of Baghdad and twilight is at bay when they arrive at the palace. The stable keepers rush to take their horses and guards are lined to welcome them. When her eyes fall on the palace of Baghdad, it feels like yesterday when she was last here. But it has been two years. And though it appears the same, it feels different.

She has lived here twice before-- during her childhood and under Al Shafay's reign when she unknowingly became the queen of this palace. Noura feels a strange thud of her heart. It feels as if life has brought her to a turn where she once vanished, to continue a journey left midway. But this time, she intends to stand strong and not run away.

Adam places a hand on her back and they both make their way inside. Upon entrance through the palace doors, they find Yusuf bin Khalid and Arwa waiting for them in the entrance hall.

"Adam!" Arwa's face split into a grin and she runs to him with open arms. Adam welcomes her embrace and wraps her back in his arms. "I missed you so much, akhi." She tilts up her head and kisses his cheek. "I wish we never have to part again."

"I missed you too, dearly," Adam replies before pulling away from her embrace. He smiles down at her. "Look at you, still beautiful as ever. I'm starting to wonder if you're aging backwards."

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