39 Meeting

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You are the only women who ever answered the demands of my imagination.

Anais Nin


The roof of their chamber has flames dancing across it. Shades of orange and gold flicker and flare to chase the shadows away. There is a light patter of rain outside, the closed balcony doors dampening the sound of it. But there is the tinkling of her anklets filling their chamber.

He pushes himself up on his elbows, watching her in leisure from the bed. She turns around, a bowl of milk in her hands, and smiles at him. He smiles back weakly.

"I've warmed you milk and put honey in it. Have something, then I'll give you your medicine."

She brings the bowl to him, and he shakes his head in refusal.

"These eyes have missed the sight of you. Let them gaze at you. Do not put me back to sleep."

She halts midway, out of his reach, the bowl still in her hold. He extends a hand towards her.

"Come to me, hayati. Come, let my arms hold you. Let this heart find life in you again."

She abandons the bowl on a table and hurries towards him. Climbing besides him on the bed, she nestles into his side and he hugs her to himself right away.

"Habibi," she whispers. "Suddenly life turned dark without you. And I felt the wrath and the grief in me would burn down the world." She looks up at him, her fingers caressing his cheek as if a portrait. "Adam is to Noura like sun to the day and moon to the night. Without you, there is no light in my life."

He smiles, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to her forehead. "Without you, Noura, no nour can light my life."


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"One day, my Amira, only one day until the fate of this kingdom will change."

She smiles and looks at the palace before her. Tall walls with beautiful balconies and guards surrounding it. Then she looks away and skims her eyes over the garden. The curtains of the pergola flutter in wind and the midday sun shines above them, its feeble rays falling apart around them.

"I like the confidence in your claim, syed Daryush." Noura finally turns to him. "I will have it no other way."

He smirks and tips his head respectfully. "I've learnt that much about you."

"What about the verdict?"

"There is no reason anyone would oppose to it. The majority supports it. I'll try to convince those who are still skeptical. But even if not, their opposition won't make much difference. The council will pass the verdict tomorrow in their final meeting."

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