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I was sitting in the living room on my laptop after Eva's 3am feeding. Janae had gone out  with some friends for a much-needed break. I heard the front door open and looked at the clock. It was 3:45. I looked up as she walked in. She was holding her heels in her hand and dragging her purse. We may have been back in the same house, but she still wasn't talking to me outside of anything regarding Eva. That didn't mean I didn't try. "Did you have fun?" I asked. She looked at me and went back to walking up the stairs. I looked at the baby monitor next to me and could see she was in looking at Eva. I watched her and for a while then she left the nursery. I could hear her shuffling up there before she came back down. She came and sat right next to me. I set my laptop aside and looked at her. She was staring at the baby monitor too. "I've been trying to figure something out all night." I heard her slur out. I was shocked. Janae didn't drink like that. She would have one or two and call it good. I had never seen her drunk before. She was too responsible. "Are you drunk?" I asked her.
    "Yup I had a lot of drinks tonight. Christine, Leena, and Bella had fun. I had shot after shot after shot. We tried this thing call a blowjob and it was good. I had a white Russian and a desperado and coke. Actually I had 3 of those." I looked at her.
    "You're probably sleepy Janae." I smiled.
    "You said you only slept with that whore because you were drunk. We'll all night long I've been drinking all night and not once did I want to have sex with someone else." She looked at me. Even though she was drunk I knew it's really how she felt. "I just wanted to come home to you two."
    "Come on Nae you should get to bed."
    "How could you do that? What did you drink that made you horny for someone else?" She stared at me curiously.
     "My love you're going to be hungover in the morning." I tried to grab he hand.
     "I don't care!" She looked at the monitor. "I don't care. I want to talk now Roman. You don't get to discount me anymore."
      "I never discount you." I looked at her.
      "Then why did you fuck her? Are you not happy anymore? Was having a daughter not enough? Was I not enough?" She was crying.
     "You two are all I need in this life Janae. You don't need to ever doubt that. I'm just a piece of shit." All I could see was pain in her eyes.
      "You know I talked to a divorce lawyer the other day. She asked if you we promiscuous before we got together. I was like yeah his body count is outrageous. She explained to me it happens a lot when two completely different people get married. I've been thinking a lot about getting a divorce lately. While we were at Dominic's."
     "Wait you stayed with him? I thought you were at Dontae's. You told me you were with Dontae." I was trying to control my anger.
     "Oh does that hurt that I didn't tell you? We also shared a bed a couple times. Eva likes him. She smiles and giggles at him. She doesn't do that with you." If I didn't like him already I really don't like him now. "We didn't do anything though because he doesn't fuck with someone who is married. I also meant my vows so." She giggled. "I should make you get tested after that. I mean wow you had sex with a random bitch. You stuck your penis in someone you didn't know from Adam's house cat. That says a lot about you. You know my body count is only 3?"
    "What?" I was caught off guard.
    "Yeah Dominic and I loss our virginities to each other. Isn't that sweet. I mean we were together for almost 5 years. We used condoms in the beginning then towards the end we didn't care if we used one we used one. Then there's you and I married you. We used condoms but stopped." She wasn't looking at me anymore. She was fiddling with her ring. I was trying to figure out who the third person was. "Who is the 3rd one?"
I asked nervously. She looked at me, shook her head, and smiled. She was a very talkative and smiley drunk. I wish I could actually enjoy this side of her but not like this. "That one is a secret." She smiled.
    "Well we're married? You can tell me. I won't tell." I couldn't help but smile too.
    "Well if you insist." She moved her hair over her shoulder. She leaned toward me and looked me in my eyes. I could smell the alcohol on her now that I was this close. "It was Bobby." She whispered.
    "Like my brother Bobby?" I was shocked.
    "Yeah, we had a thing for a while. It was after Dominic, and I broke up and before we started dating." She propped her legs on my lap and leaned into the couch. "We never used condoms. We stopped though once he found out you had feelings for me. He liked me too, but he said I was better for you, and it would have been selfish to take his little brother's dream girl." I just looked at her trying to wrap my head around everything. "I think Gianni and your parents knew. They didn't say anything though. We even had a pregnancy scare, well that was after he died. The miscarriage came first wild." She laughed. "The only ones that knew were me, him, Gianni, and everyone but you. Me and you had just started dating then. What a way to start a relationship huh? Having a dead baby and pregnancy scare with your boyfriends brother. After we found out I wasn't Gianni deemed it unnecessary to tell you. I wanted to but they said they would tell you. Based off the look on your face I guess you never dug around to find out. Welp now you know. I guess you know why I was his number 1 girl." It all started to make sense to me. He was always on me about treating her right and not fucking up. He ruined his last chance at love and happiness for me. He wanted this life that I built. He was supposed to be capo, have a wife, and kids. "Are you mad?" She interrupted my thoughts. "No baby."
    "Okay." She sighed.
    "Yes baby?"
    "I don't want to get a divorce."
    "Neither do I Janae." It got quiet again. I looked at the baby monitor and saw Eva still fast asleep. I looked over a Janae and she had fallen asleep. I smiled to myself about my two girls. I slipped the baby monitor into my shorts pocket and scooped the sleeping Janae up. I started walking upstairs as she nuzzled her face into my neck. "Roman?" She whispered to me. "Yes?"
   "Do you still love me?" That question broke my heart.
    "I love you more than anything in this world." She nodded and went back to sleep in my arms. I laid her in our bed that we hadn't shared in a while. She was sound asleep. I took her clothes off and slipped one of her oversized t-shirt on over her heard. I wrapped her hair like she usually did and slipped a bonnet on her. I went to the bathroom and grabbed a washcloth and makeup remover to wash her face. As I wiped her makeup she crinkled her nose a little but never fully woke up. I chuckled a little bit. I picked her clothes up and threw them in the dirty clothes basket in the corner. I grabbed the trash can from the bathroom and put it on the floor in case she got sick through the night. I took the baby monitor on my side of the bed and Eva was still out. I took that as my chance to lay down too. I turned to look at Janae and she was still out. I knew that most likely she wouldn't remember everything in the morning. I picked up my phone and saw I had a text from Leo in the dad group chat. "Next time one of you are DDing them! Do you know how hard it is to babysit 4 drunk women?!"
    "Christina threw up and then fell asleep on the bathroom floor!" Tyler texted back.
    "Rita's accent got thicker!" Tristan added
    "Leena tried to negotiate me into another baby." Leo added.
     "Janae had a lot to say. She's knocked out now. What are the chances they'll remember tonight?"
     "Considering I had to coral them from dancing on the bar there is no chance. Are we taking the kids out tomorrow?" Leo asked.
     "I think that would be best. You can bring your hungover wives here." I laughed
     "Does anyone know how to set up the breast pump?" Tyler texted.
      "Shit we have to dump huh?" Tristan added. "Rita is out cold."
      "So is Janae."
      "Christina is too."
      "Here's a tutorial from YouTube." Leo sent. I looked over at Janae and realized that she would be full by now considering she hadn't pumped since she left around 9. I put my phone down and look a Janae as she start to move around. She let out a small wimped and held on to her boobs. "Are you full?" I asked her as she sat up groggily. "Do you want me to help up pump?" She nodded. I smiled and

The Family Business Saga: R&J One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now