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"So Capo's have diaries?"


"You're allowed to share them with me."

"Nope, but some of the stuff in these are super crazy. My great, great, great, great, great-grandfather's is super juicy. He was married to this woman, but he hated her. They slept in two different rooms on different side of their house and everything. Back then the capo would have to have kids, but he couldn't sleep with her. He went away on a trip while he was gone he met a woman. He said her skin was richer than copper, her eyes melted gold, her hair was long and dark as the midnight skies, and was sent from the Gods to him."

"She was black!" She laughed.

"He took her back to his home and moved her into his side of the house. He said she was the smartest person he'd ever met. She was cleaver and resourceful. She talk a snake out of his venom. They fell in love."


"His wife got jealous and demanded her gave her baby. The woman that bares the capos first born son is the most powerful. He kept refusing, but the woman he love told him it's okay because she had him, let her simply have a baby. She didn't understand what it meant I guess. But he wrote that he literally fucked his wife, but his true love was in the room, and he stared at her to the whole time. She fell pregnant and once the child was nearly born his lover gave birth to a child they weren't expecting. He had been hadn't seen her. When he wasn't around she kept to herself. He came back just in time for her to give birth to their son. He was over the moon. Then his wife had a little boy too. The baby made out of true love was considered to be a god."

"Why?" She looked up at him.

"The son the wife had green eyes and dark hair like everyone else. The son the lover gave birth too had one green eye and one gold eye. His skin was closer to his mother's. He had s birthmark on his chest that resembled a crown."

"How did the wife react?"

"His journals say that she became angry and wanted to harm the baby. One day she tried to kill the baby, hadn't realized my grandfather had both kids in the same crib. It was dark and she plunged a dagger into her child's chest killing him. He walked in and saw what she had done and pleaded for her life, but he beheaded her. To this day nobody knows where her remains were scattered. He of course married his lover soon after and a few years later she had another son. That son was with a scar on his chest. It's believed to be his first son reborn. They have four boys and one daughter total. The first born died at 27 and the day after he died his kid sister woke up the next day with one gold eye and one brown eye. He talked about how each of his kids eyes a lot. The first born had one green and one gold, the second brown, the last three had hazel. When the daughters eyes changed it was believed that she inherited her two late brothers souls."

"But the third boy had a similar scar."

"The lovers mom was a witch doctor, so when she saw the child. She said that the sons that died were destined to be great leaders, so their souls combined into their sister. She turned this family into what is today. Her diary is super intense.

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