- Chapter 1 -

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TW!: Strong language, violence, death.


Dream was in the corner of his little obsidian box which he refers to as "home." Which Sam thought was pretty weird considering this obsidian box is keeping him from his home. I guess you can't really see what hes thinking when he calls it his home huh?


A few hours passed and Dream started to wake up, seeing light shine through the little eye holes in his mask.

(Quackity's POV)

I walk into the prison, Sam greeting me.
"Hey Sam, I'm just here a little early cause I feel like being rougher on him today~" Sam glared at me a bit before breaking the awkward silence that had taken over the whole conversation. "Quackity.... Please don't kill him." I scoffed at his worry for him, I mean hes a monster why the fuck would Sam of all people care?! "Yeah, yeah whatever you say Sam."

(Nobody's POV)

Quackity stepped onto the platform glaring at Dream, who was completely full of fear and confusion on why Quackity came earlier today. Dream backed away from Quackity in fear as Quackity approached him with his axe.
He swung at Dream causing him to yell in pain. After continuesly hitting Dream with the axe causing his whole body to be covered in scars, blood, and bruises... Dream stopped moving. "GET THE FUCK UP BITCH, DO YOU WANT TO GIVE ME THE BOOK NOW?!" Quackity yelled as he kicked Dream, realizing he isn't moving he took his iconic smiley face mask which was covered in blood and was cracked at the sides off. He assumed the boy fainted or something, and just left him there...


Sam goes to give Dream potatoes and sees his body on the floor. "DREAM!!" Sam yelled as he ran to him, placing his hand on Dreams chest.

his heart wasn't beating.

'Quackity you son of a bitch...'   Sam knew this was Quackity's doing, I mean nobody has visited him that day so who else could it have possibly been?

<Awesamdude> "Dream is dead"

<Tommyinnit> "Wait, what?!"

<Tubbo_> "My brother..Is gone?"

<Awesamdude> "Quackity Im going to make sure you pay the FUCKING PRICE FOR TORTURING MY SON EVERY DAY AND KILLING HIM!"


<Awesamdude> "Tommy I..."

<Tommyinnit> "Thats it we're coming to the prison. Tubbo, are... you okay?"

Tubbo didn't reply. I mean he had every right to not reply he just found out his brother was tortured every day in that prison for a book..


After a while Tommy and Tubbo made it to the prison. "W-where is he?" Tubbo's voice cracked asking this question. Sam looked at him worriedly.. "uh Tubbo-" Tubbo felt tears forming in his eyes already "WHERE THE FUCK IS HE SAM?!"
Tommy flinched at Tubbo's sudden screaming, he was usually so calm, so... so understanding. "Tubbo hes gone, his body is gone into..the- the lava..." Sam said, muttering the last words as quietly as possible. All Tubbo could do was stand there, in shock on why Sam threw the body in the lava instead of burying it. Tubbo whipped his head back as he saw Tommy wrapping his arms around him tightly as Tubbo hugged back and burst into tears. Sam smiled sadly at the sight knowing how Tommy usually is.


Some time had passed and Tubbo, Tommy and Wilbur were exploring the forest. Tubbo gasped at the sight of a bee.. "Oh my god a bee! Hello! Arent you the cutest?!" Tubbo somehow understood bee's, the rest of the SMP never really understood it. "You want me to follow you? Of course! Come on guys!" Wilbur and Tommy just looked at each other and shrugged as they followed Tubbo and the bee. After a few minutes of walking they stumbled apon a open little area full of flowers and in he middle was a boy sitting there..alone.

The boy seemed to have wintery white hair with a streak of neon green, laced up black boots, a neon green hoodie and black ripped jeans.. He seemed familiar to Tubbo it was indeed Dream, but not how you would expect it to be... "Dream...?" Tubbo muttered and Tommy and Wilbur just stood there, eyes widened. Dream whipped his head back. The boy had freckles and white eyes with green tears dropping every second.
"Ah! Hello! Im Daydream! Uh, do I...know you?" The boy smiled warmly at them.

"Tubbo holy shit that's- that's Dream's ghost-"


First chapter done- I really hope your enjoying it so far!

Word count: 769 words<3

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