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Why in the world is there an alarm going off? Come on Anna, open your eyes and look. "Ughrr " I had softly mumbled hearing footsteps make its way towards my part of the dorm.

"Anna! Come on wake up, you promised me!" That was my roommate Katelyn. She was a tall skinny blonde with curves in the right places. Her family was extremely wealthy and they paid for their daughter to get a breast implant and lip injections for her sweet sixteen. I would never understand why but hey, if she loves her body then I am okay with that.

"Katelyn, I love you. I really do, but I am not feeling the shopping today." I murmured as I adjusted the way I was laying in the twin size bed and flipped so my back was now facing her.

I knew what was next. It was always next. She'd jump on me, slide her bony knees in my thunder thighs And give me that look, the look I know all to well. So I covered my face with my maroon comforter and let my eyes stay close.

"Anna! You can not bail on me not today. It's my birthday and there is a frat party tonight. You promised we would shop today and go out to eat." Her voice softly cracked at the end and I immediately realized she would guilt trip me.

I stirred in my bed and looked up at her. Her blue eyes were large and she never once stopped looking at me. Her bottom lip trembled and she was going to cry.

I suddenly groaned and sat up. "Please don't cry Katelyn, not today. Not on your birthday darling." So she smiled and jumped up on my bed, her knees stabbing me and clasped her hands together squealing out a thank you.

I swear my best friend was sometimes such a baby someti- all the time. But she was my best friend and I promised. Even if I did not want to attend the frat party, not tonight at least.

"Okay, you have fifteen minutes to shower and get dressed. I am ready to go!" And with that Katelyn smacked my butt. "Now get up!" Then she was gone and all I saw was blonde hair disappear.
I was finally ready, the community shower was shockingly empty. Meaning that my time in the bathroom would go by much more swiftly. As I returned down the hallway not caring that I was dressed in just a bath robe and my slippers.

Katelyn wasn't there and I assumed she went to the vending machine to get the small bag of muffins that cost only a dollar. My closet was depressing. Very depressing. I had a total of three shirts, one dress, one pair of jeans, one skirt and the rest was sweats. Maybe I do need to go shopping.

So getting dressed in my cream tank top stuffed into my only pair of jeans, high waisted, I paired them with Katelyns brown ankle boots and her dark green cardigan. And as if it was on cue the blonde finally returned.

"Good, you're ready. Let's go."

A/N: so thank you all for being patient with me. this story I am extremely excited about it. Like I have the idea already planned out and so am hoping that you all enjoy it as much as I do. So vote, comment? I would love to hear your feedback! I'm thinking if I can get at least 50 views and 5 votes the next chapter will be posted sooner.

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