{ five }

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I walked back into the diner with a small smile on my lips that quickly faded as the one and only Harry walked up to me.

"It's about time you made it back." He said with a smirk, causing me to roll my eyes.

Looking around at the empty diner.

"Well nobody else is here yet, so you should be happy."

"Well, I'm guessing you didn't get any more dares after you left me all alone "

" Actually, I did." I started grabbing the film strip from my bag and shoving it into his chest. "Here, I have the proof. Oh and bonus points. " I added as I pointed at the last picture on the strip. Noticing his playful smirk fade away into a frown, and as I parted my lips to speak that's when the noise became louder and everyone returned from a  rowdy night of dares.

My blue eyes began to flicker around the room looking for the mysterious male named Zayn. As my mind wandered back to the kiss, I couldn't help my hands as they involuntarily ran to my face. My fingers grazing over my lips before I heard the familiar voice. Katelyn. She ran up to me with a large smile on her face.

" Wasn't this amazing? I literally had so much fun. And I finished all my dares! What about you?"

" Yeah, it was great. " I started glancing around the room once again.

" What is it? " She then asked crossing her arms over her chest. "Why are you glowing right now, and why is your lipstick smudged?"

"Wait, what?" I then question with an embarassed look on my face.

"I was just kidding! Why would your makeup even be sme-OH MY GOD!" SHe then yelled causing  few people to glance our way.

"Katelyn! Stop yelling."

" Who did you kiss?! Or make out with? I don't care just give me the details!" She then squealed as if she was a child in a candy store.

"I didn't kiss anyone." I lied with a fake laugh.

"I'm not stupid. I may be blonde, but I am not stupid." She repeated.

"Okay! So I tallied up the scores." Harry then called out, causing everyone to glance his way. Even me. But when I did I saw someone standing right by him. Zayn. He had a coffee mug in his hand and in the other hand he was stuffing the film strip into his back pocket.

"So it looks like we were tied. However, since someone got bonus points, the girls win. " He added the last part with a groan before the girls that were in the room began to cheer and laugh. I just stood there with my eyes glued on Zayn. Look away you idiot, before he catc- too late. My inner self screamed, and she was right Zayn moved his gaze before connecting with mine. A smile on his lips before I quickly looked away and back to Harry.

" So what's our prize?" Katelyn then called out.

" You, babe. You get your prize later tonight." He said with a wink, causing Katelyn to blush and me to internally gag.

"For the rest of you females. You get a gift card to Starbucks, I know all you addicts love coffee so there you go." He added as he handed out the cards, and just like that the dare night was over. I went to walk over to Katelyn but as I neared Harry cut me off kissing the girl harshly on her lips. It caught her off guard and it certainly caught me.

"Well, hey there tiger." She said with a smile before glancing around Harry and towards me. "Oh, hey Anna. So I'm going to with Harry. I hope that is okay." She mentioned with a  furrow of her eyebrows as if she was asking for permission.

Film Strips #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now