Trip to the Mall

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Izuku POV:

"Alright everyone. Grab what you need and reunite here in half an hour-"

"Shut up, four eyes. If you learn to loosen up a bit, women might actually not be ashamed to be around someone with a stick so far up their ass they can taste it." Thanks to a last minute change of the training camp, we all were allowed to go. Unfortunately, some of our classmates that failed were forced to take remedial lessons during this. Before the weekend, Mr. Aizawa gave us a list of things to have by Monday.

"You could be a little nicer to Iida, Kaachan. It's not gonna kill you." As a whole, we decided to head out towards the mall to grab everything we needed to and possibly make the effort a little less of a task and more of a fun outing.

"He could at least stop being a stick in the mud."

"Yeah. Iida could be a little less straight laced." Ochako agreed with Kaachan for it to be another arrow pierced through our friend. "But I do agree with Deku a little. He isn't a bad guy to the point you had to insult his relationship with women."

"You wanna get with a stick in the mud like him?"

"Well obviously not, but still don't think you had to go there."

"Can we please stop insulting Iida. He looks like he's about one bad comment away from hiding in a corner growing mushrooms." I tried to end the comments before turning to see Alice trying to pull him out of a corner doing the exact thing I was trying to avoid. "Too late."

"Any decisions on how to handle everyone's lists, Midoriya?" Yaoyorozu asked me for it to probably be easier in my head for everyone not to make as big of a deal out of this.

"Just go where you need to and make sure to come back here before five. If you don't, you're going to have to explain to Mr. Aizawa why you're late returning to campus yourself."

"Fair enough. C'mon Ochako. Let's get some stuff." Both Kaachan and Ochako began dragging me away with the guys staring at me for a minute somewhat worried and/or envious in Mineta and Kaminari's case.

"Have fun~" Ashido shouted at us with a little bit of a joking manner for it to be only me, Kaachan and Ochako in our group.

"So what do you girls have to get?"

"Bug spray."

"New laces for my boots. Also another stick of deodorant since mine's almost dead."

"That's what that smell is? Sheesh. Hate to break it to you honey, but it's already dea-*SMACK*!" Alice stopped Bendy from finishing his comment by hitting him with an oversized paddle.

"Thank you. By the way, what do you need, Deku?"

"Nothing special. Probably just a few more weights to try and increase my strength."

"Awesome. Let's get the stuff and maybe have a little fun window shopping." Ochako cheered saying this as we began heading towards a home goods store to get Kaachan and Ochako's things. Surprisingly, they were able to get everything they needed in a single place which surprised me. I honestly expected the laces would require us to go to a shoe store. Our next stop was a fitness store where they had a large variety of weights and such. As we were in the store a couple of guys came in and noticed Kaachan looking at some of the protein shake varieties they had.

"Hey honey. Want some advice on some protein shakes?"

"Nah. I do my research on shit and this stuff is just an open appearance that does nothing. Also, I'm not looking for bulking up."

"So you're trying to trim down? Maybe we could help you out with that. We know a good trick that you might really enjoy-"

"Before you go any farther in trying to pick me up, my boyfriend's right there, pencil dick." She pointed at me to with it making me give a passive aggressive smile at them.

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