Chapter 1

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; Expect slow updates, typos, grammatical errors. English is not my first language.


Sol's POV

I walked through the halls of the university, taking note of the different people passing by, all wearing the exact same uniform.

I stopped my tracks when I noticed a certain girl walking past me. She looked familiar somehow and I wondered if maybe I'd seen her somewhere.

The bell ringing interrupted my thoughts. All the students started rushing around, I run towards my class; I don't wanna be late again, Mr. Castroval is pretty strict after all.

I reached the door and quickly stepped inside the classroom; I grabbed my seat and let out a big sigh of relief, the last five minutes have been killing me!

The lecture began, I looked over at my seat neighbor, she's been looking back at me a few times.

She had light brown hair, and hazel eyes. The most striking part however was her outfit. It was all in black and white.
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion and I looked away immediately as soon as I saw her looking at me.  I looked back a moment later and saw that her attention was already gone. I shook my head lightly and turned back around. If I'm being honest, I kinda liked watching her. She was just so fascinating.

After class ended I packed up my stuff and made my way to the cafeteria when someone suddenly called me.

"Sol!" I turned to look at them and it was Yazi, she's my friend.

"Hey, what's up?" I  said before giving her a hug. She pulled away from the hug and smiled brightly.
"I was wondering if maybe you'd like to hang out with me tomorrow?" She said and I gave her a smile. "Sure!"

We both made our way to the cafeteria, chatting and laughing. When we got there, I went ahead to claim a table while Yazi waited outside by the vending machine, getting snacks for us.

After eating we both said goodbye to each other since we have some classes to attend to. I made my way towards a classroom, I entered the room and saw Chanel already there, waiting for me.

"Where were you? I didn't saw you in the cafeteria." I asked.

"Yea, how was your day? " she changed the topic. . "Nothing interesting really.." I said as I sat down across her and the class began.

After class I said goodbye to Chanel and started making my way to my last class, but as luck would have it, Leo; my guy friend ran up to me, catching me off guard.

"Hi Sol!" He exclaimed excitedly.


"Did you hear the news yet?!" he practically yelled and I groaned.

How annoying does he take things? I wish he would stop doing this, it's almost driving me crazy.

"What news?"

Leo sighed and looked at the ground.
"Tell me." I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows.

"Well, the thing is...." he trailed off and I sighed before asking again

"Leo, what do you want from me?! Tell me now or I swear-" I threatened and he chuckled a little before looking at me straight in the eyes.

"You'll probably hate me..."
"... I doubt that."

"Okay, well," he looked at the floor and mumbled something I couldn't quite catch. After a couple seconds he raised his voice and spoke, "There' a new transfer student at this school, and he's hot."

I choked on air and covered my mouth quickly to hide my laughter. "Leo-"

"Just imagine, he's got brown eyes, messy black, silky hair. and dimples, his smile makes your heart skip a beat..." he paused before continuing "And he's a boy!" he finished, sounding rather confident.

I laughed again "Are you being serious right now?" I asked. He nodded and crossed his arms. "Yeah! Why wouldn't I be?!" he retorted.

"hahahaha! are you gay?" I asked and he seemed shocked for a minute, "No" He said.

"It's not that surprising, you are a gay idiot." I teased. He pouted and hit me on the arm.
"Whatever! Anyways, do you know if he's cute?" I asked.

"Yes actually. But why do you care?" Leo asked suspiciously.

"Well, it seems like I won't have any fun tomorrow if I don't ask him myself.."
I grinned as I stood up.

"You can't!" Leo pouted.

"Why?" I raised my eyebrow.

"You just can't!" He exclaimed and I laughed.

"Well, I better go home now." I said.

"Okay! Take care ok? See you tomorrow!" Leo said before waving goodbye.



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