The Mathador! Dun dun dun!

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     I walked downstaires into my kitchen and poured myself a bowl of Rainbow Munchies. I slowly ate waiting to wake up. After that I got ready to go to school. However this day was different, because it was my first day of school as a kids next door operative. I walked down the street with my backpack on my shoulders when I saw number 10 and number -1x.

     "Hello." 10 said. I waved. We began to walk as a trio when all of a sudden we heard a girl scream. We ran towards the scream to see a girl lying in an alley covered in tracks. We got close to examine the tracks. They were different math symbols such as division symbols, percentage, addition, multiplycation, etc.

     -1x examined the tracks and called in for a hall moniter escort. Almost as soon as he did the school hall moniters came by. We all carried the girl to the school's nurse and laid her down on a bed.

     Nurse Vaccine looked at her and said,"Oh dear." We found out that the girl's name was Kimmy Patinfitz, 3rd grade, and  had the worst math grade in her class.

     "Who would do this to an innocent 3rd grader!" -1x yelled slamming his fist against a wall.

     "I don't know, but we better find out who fast." I said. We headed off to our class. When we got in we found out that we had a sub.

     He scraped the chalk against the boared while he wrote he said," My name is Mr. Mathews." We all cringed at the noise. I looked over to see number 83274 jotting things down in a notebook.

     10 raised his hand and asked," Can I use the bathroom?" Mr. Mathews nodded. After 10 left he exited the door. We sat silently until we heard 10 scream. We ran out the doot to see him in the same condition as Kimmy. 83274 called for the hall moniters this time while -1x chased after a shadow running down the hall. He chased after it pulling out his flashlight. I ran towards him pulling out my jalepeno gun.

     He pulled on his backpack and pulled a cord. Two cardboard wings popped out with soda cans on the ends. He opened the cans and flew off. Then I heard 83274 scream. I ran back as fast as I could just in time. Mr. Mathews stood there in a matador costume surrounded by bulls covered in white math symbols. 83274 was stuck in a school chair forced to watch Mr. Mathews teach. Then the bulls charged towards 83274. I fired jalepeno at the bulls melting a few.

     "You little brat!" Mr. Mathews yelled.

     "So it was you Mr. Mathews!" I yelled.

     "It's the Mathador! he yelled back. He then raised his arms and the bulls charged. Before I could shoot I was trampled. When I woke up I was trapped in a chair just like 83274's.

     "Now time for you children to learn!" the Mathador laughed evily. He raised his arms and the bulls charged again. I thought we were doomed when -1x came by and sliced away with his flashlight. However even -1x was captured. We all sat like ducks doomed.

     "Now you snot nosed brats will learn math!" the Mathador yelled.

     "Wait, wait just one question...why?" -1x asked.

     "Why! Why! Because you snot nosed brats refuse to learn math I was the laughing stock of all math teachers! I barely get paid anymore, because you brats fail every test! So I became the Mathador and created my math bulls to forcebly teach kids math then inprint it on their skin so they would never forget! he yelled.

     "Now it's time to learn." he whispered menacingly as he raised his arms. But before he could fully raise his arms two yo-yos caught them and pulled them back down. Then they pulled sending the Mathador flying. The bulls charged, but the yo-yos smashed their robot heads open. Then the yo-yos unlocked our chairs and we turned around to see number 10. He held his yo-yos in his hands and he was still covered in math marks. He fell to the floor and we helped him to the nurse. After awhile 10 and Kimmy healed and the Mathador is currently lokcked up in the kids next door arctic base. Things returned to normal that is until we faced our next villian. 

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