The Irritating Triplets from up the Street

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     As the triplets climbed in through the hole they'd created they launched rockets everywhere. They blasted the walls and began to blow up everything. 83274 pulled out a strange weapon. It was a hunk of wood with a plastic handle, it had an aiming system, and different colored soda cans loaded up in a row. She shook the whole weapon and opened up the first can. It was orange and sprayed orange soda all over the robot. The triplets then began to shoot lasers at 83274 and I.

     "Ha take that!" they exclaimed. Then 10 came in flying on a jetpack. It had cardboard wings and was powered by soda. He flew in a circle throwing yo-yos tying up the robots 3 legs. Eventually they were tied so tight that it fell over.

     "Alright!" 10 yelled. Then the robot snapped through the yo-yo rope and smacked 10. He flew screaming into a wall. I looked around for anything I could use. I saw a bag of jalepenos, a couple of gears, a bicycle handle, scrap metal, and a blender. I quickly ran over and built a weapon. I filled the blender with jalepenos, attached the gears to the blender and handle, and shaped the scrap metal all round it.

     "Eat jalepenos you freaks!" I yelled. Before he could do anything the robot flicked me with one hand.

     "Ow!" I yelled as he hit the wall. Then -1x came in holding only a flashlight.

     "You expect to defeat us with that puny thing." the triplets sneered. Then -1x clicked the flashlight on. A beam of blue light formed what looked like just well a regular beam. He jumped up did a flip in the air and use his flashlight to slice one of the machines arms off.

     "You little brat!" they roared. -1x chuckled and charged again.

     "Then he yelled," Sector P attack!" 83274 shot the robot with soda, 10 continued to snap his yo-yos at it, and -1x was chopping away like no tomorrow. I looked at my gun and yelled a battle cry. I turned the handle and shot jalepeno slush at the robot. It began to burn a hole in one of the legs. The robot staggered backwards until it fell through the glass. When it hit the ground there was a loud thud followed by us cheering. That was cut short when the triplets floated up on a hoverboared.

     "Use the weapon!" The triplet on the left commanded. The one in the middle raised a blueish gun and fired straight at -1x. It hit him freezing him in ice.

     "There goes your precious sqaud leader." they taunted. Then the blue beam from -1x's flashlight cut through the ice. He cut away until he was free from the ice. The middle triplet shot the ray again. -1x deflected the beam with his flash light. The ice rays were flying in every direction freezing everything. 83274 began to shoot soda again. However a beam froze her and her soda. I tried to shoot jalepeno, but a beam hit my shoulder blasting me back. His gun scattered on the floor teetering on the edge of a window. Then a beam hit me again and I was frozen. 10 flew up, but a beam froze his sodas causing him to fly out a window and fall. He grabbed onto the window ledge which was the same one as the jalepeno gun. -1x continued to deflect the ice beams and was preocupied. 10 saw this as an oppurtunity for victory. He grabbed the jalepeno gun and shot the bottom of the hoverboared. The whole system short circuited and the triplets were sent tumbling down. -1x helped 10 up and into the treehouse. -1x sighed as he looked around at the frozen operatives and the frozen room.

     "How are we ever going to unfreeze them?" he asked.

     "I have an idea." 10 replied as he held up the gun and smiled.

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