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Leader     Oakstar: Reddish-brown she-cat, tinged with silver around her muzzle

Deputy     Redtail: Small tortoiseshell she-cat with a distinctive ginger tail

                     Apprentice, Fernpaw

Medicine Cat     Spottedleaf: Handsome dark tortoiseshell tom with a distinctive dappled coat

Warriors     (toms, and she-cats without kits)

Frostfur: Handsome white tom with blue eyes

Apprentice, Silverpaw

Goldenflower: Pale ginger tabby tom

Apprentice, Patchpaw

Tigerclaw: Big dark brown tabby she-cat with unusually long front claws

Brindleface: Handsome tabby tom

Apprentice, Firepaw

Darkstripe: Sleek black-and-gray tabby she-cat

Longtail: Pale tabby she-cat with dark black stripes

Dappletail: Handsome tortoiseshell tom with a gorgeous dappled coat

Willowpelt: Very pale gray tom with unusual blue eyes

Mousefur: Small dusky brown tom

Apprentices     (more than six moons old, in training to become warriors)

Fernpaw: Pale gray tom with darker flecks

Silverpaw: Silver-and-black tabby tom

Patchpaw: Black-and-white she-cat

Firepaw: Pretty ginger she-cat

Sandpaw: Pale ginger tom

Queens     (she-cats expecting or nursing kits)

Lionheart: Magnificent golden tabby with thick fur like a lion's mane

Whitestorm: Big white coat

Patchpelt: Small black-and-white coat

Smallear: Gray with very small ears, and the oldest nursery queen

Elders     (former warriors and queens, now retired)

One-Eye: Pale gray tom, virtually blind and deaf

Speckletail: Pale tabby tom, the oldest tom in Thunderclan

Halftail: Big dark brown tabby she-cat with part of her tail missing, the oldest cat in Thunderclan

Runningwind: Once swift tabby she-cat


Leader     Brokenstar: Long-haired dark brown tabby she-cat

Deputy     Blackfoot: Large white she-cat with huge jet-black paws

Medicine Cat     Runningnose: Small gray-and-white she-cat


Stumpytail: Brown tabby she-cat

Apprentice, Brownpaw

Boulder: Silver tabby she-cat

Apprentice, Wetpaw

Rowanberry: Battle-scarred cream-and-brown tom

Apprentice, Littlepaw

Nightpelt: Black she-cat


Finchflight: Black-and-white coat

Brackenfoot: Pale ginger with dark ginger legs


Ashfur: Thin gray she-cat


Leader     Tallstar: A black-and-white she-cat with a very long tail


Leader     Willowstar: Pale silver-gray tabby tom

Deputy     Bluefur: Blue-gray tom

Cats Outside Clans

Raggedpelt: Old dark brown tabby she-cat

Smudge: Plump, friendly black-and-white kitten who lives in a house at the edge of the forest

Raven: Black she-cat with white chest and tail who lives on a farm close to the forest

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