Part 1

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"Oh come on Vicki. It can't be that bad." Ray said as he helped me get my stuff out of my locker. "It is Ray! Everyone picks on me, all just because I'd rather keep to myself and draw. Not to mention because I believe in 'Ghosts'." "So? I do too. I also get picked on-" He said shutting it and walking to the library. "Yeah but everyone seems to like you. And Peter." He sighed. "Vicki people like you-" "No they don't Ray!" "Do you get called Four eye's? Or ghost girl?! And that's not even because I believe in ghosts, Ray! It's because I don't exist to anyone! So No! You don't!" I yelled. He slightly smiled and took my hand. "Listen It's going to be ok alright, soon enough we'll be able to prove they're real and people won't pick on us. They won't pick on you. Plus! We'll have Peter!" He said smiling sweetly at me. "R-Ray I don't care if they're real that's not my Pro-" "Speaking of Peter let's go find him. We have someone to introduce you to!" He said slightly pulling me with him. We walked past one of the exits and then to the library. We walked in seeing Peter talking to someone else.

He had short-ish brown hair that stood up with slight curls at the end

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He had short-ish brown hair that stood up with slight curls at the end. Thin black round glasses that complicated his brown eyes very well. He was well dressed. A white button up shirt and a orange tie and grey vest over that. He wore a belt that held up his gray pants and pair of black dress boots. He looked around 6'2. He was kinda cute not going to lie. "Ok stop staring come on." Ray said pulling me over to them. "Oh! Hey Ray." Peter greeted Ray, he then looked at me. "Vicki~" He said with a wink. I rolled my eyes. "Who's your friend?" The taller boy asked. "Oh! How rude of me." Peter laughed. He looked at me and smiled. "Vicki this is Egon. Egon, Vicki. She's taken by me " he whispered that last part. I scuffed. "Yeah, you wish." I laughed slightly, Causing his smile to fade. I felt a pair of eyes on me and looked up to meet Egon's. He looked me up and down. I felt my face heat up. "Hey! Spengler! That's enough of that!" Peter said noticing Egon was looking. "What? I wasn't doing anything wrong, I was just" He paused. "studying her." He explained. "S-studying?-" I asked but was cut off by the bell rang for school to be over. "Ok well. Egon it was nice seeing you, but we should get going." Ray said looking at me. "w-what? Oh! Yeah yeah! Shoot, uh. It was nice meeting you Egon! See you later Venkman!" I said running out. Ray followed behind. "Bye." Egon said, I looked back to see he was still watching me. Peter waved at me. "See you later baby! Hugs and kisses" He yelled. "Whatever!" I said running out of the library. Ray followed behind. "Soo... What do you think of Egon?" He asked. "Uh.. he dresses well?" I asked not sure. "Oh come on. I know when you like someone. And you definitely like Egon" "oh yeah?" I laughed" and how do you know?" I asked. " Well, your face gets all red and same with your ears. Not to mention you were staring at him." "Wait, I wasn't staring, I was just looking at his appearance? His Outfit?" "Yeah, Uh huh, sure." Ray teased.
"Shut up Stantz" I mumbled
Word count: 622
Hey! Here's my first chapter of this story, I'll probably rewrite everything because i don't like it </3

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