Return To The Magic Garden

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A brand new trail of stepping stones widens my hazel eyes,

Longer with six extra steps, leading me to the right

Fluttering by in red and black are two butterflies

My new ivory dress and eyeshadow await your sight

The grand alicorn gazebo is where I spot you stand

Half of the sun is down in the fiery sky below smoky clouds

In the breeze's remaining heat, I reach out for your hand

The saffron daisies watch our next reunion in a shattered crowd

You sweetly murmur to me with a smirk, "Now I've caught her"

The basins of the new fountain are regal like rubies on a king's crown

A swarm of blue rose petals splashes from its funnel like water

Every delicate petal flourishes up and flows all the way down

Near a tree of a dozen lemons and four limes,

We kiss in the magic garden for the second time

Laura's Poetry Chronicles - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now