The plan

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Asendriel’s grip provided a much needed warmth to Alera. Her hand rested in his palm, his touch slowly calming her, allowing her to detach from her ugly memories. 

‘We need weapons and a diversion. As per a moment, I believe before dawn would make a great choice. People seem to react slower when suddenly awakened’, Asendriel said in a low tone. ‘Also it may be best to keep this between us for the moment.’

‘Then we need a means to get out of these cells’, added Tellor.

‘I believe the guards use a single key’, said Alera, trying to concentrate to remember the details better. ‘I noticed this when they came to take me to the arena. They all carry a key at their waist and use it to open and close my cell and the dungeon behind us.’

‘That's a good start. What about the weapons we use to fight in the arena? Would it be possible to sneak out a few at the end of the day?’

‘I'm afraid not. They count them before and after, each day. They are all kept in the armory.’

Alera remembered Baruing speaking of this armory once or twice. All the weapons were deposited there, but she didn't know its location.

‘If you two had your weapons when you were taken by Baruing’s men, they are probably held there as well. He likes to keep...souvenirs.’

‘Hmm..I was wondering what he had done with my blade’. Alera could almost feel Asendriel smile after his reply.

‘Then my hammer must be there as well’. 

Even Tellor sounded delighted at the thought of finding his weapon and Alera couldn't understand their fondness for a piece of metal. Sure, she liked her daggers over other weapons, but a pair was as good as the next.

‘What about the diversion?’, she asked.

‘What are the chances that the other prisoners might help us?’

Tellor made a good point. They might find some support from others.

‘The healers find this place as repulsive as we do, but since they can't fight, they might hesitate. I don't know about the guards. They have it a lot better than we do, so the majority might be an enemy. As for the other's hard to say...There are a few of the high ranked fighters that enjoy being able to kill indiscriminately.’

Both Tellor and Asendriel remained quiet. 

‘We need the other prisoners on our side. We need numbers, if the guards take Baruing’s side. We need to start a riot’, Tellor said calmly.

‘Alright’ said Asendriel. ‘First we need to get a key.’

‘I have the best chance to obtain one’, added Alera. ‘There is only one guard that’s walking me to the arena. I can attack him and steal the key.’

‘No, it's too risky. The consequences of you doing that might be ugly. Also, it will, more than likely, give away our plan.’

‘Asendriel is right. It needs to look like an accident’, replied Tellor.

Alera sighed. In a few hours, a new day will start and they barely got a plan.

‘On the next new moon, we will escape.’

Asendriel seemed so sure of their success, but this was not enough for her. There were only three weeks until the new moon. Will they really be able to escape?

The sound of metal bars awoke Alera. She didn't even realise when she fell asleep. Asendriel gripped her hand one last time, before they both let go and got up, awaiting a new day.

As Alera entered the changing room, her eyes fell on the pair of daggers that awaited her quietly on the table. Another life to take today. She stared at them after she changed. The blade had a few scratches from her previous fights, but besides this, they looked new. As she took them in her hands, the cold steel adjusting slowly to her temperature, her thoughts went to the night before, to the elves’ affection for their weapons.

‘Ridiculous’, she whispered under her breath before entering her cage.

The door closed behind her with a metallic click and the crowd’s cheers filled the air.

‘Welcome, my dear friends to yet another day of breathtaking battles!’

Baruing’s voice was covered by the cheering sounds coming from the tribune.

‘Today, I have something really special for all of you! Please welcome to the ring, with a big round of applause, the skillful Asendriel!’

The crowd started chanting the blood elf’s name. Alera felt a tight squeeze in her chest as she watched him walk slowly to the center of the arena. His long black hair was left untied, resting over his proud, broad shoulders, probably for the delight of the female members in the crowd. She couldn’t read any emotion on his face, just as in his first battle.

At least it seemed that Baruing forgave his insolence and gave him a weapon. He carried with him a long sword that seemed too big and too heavy, but he seemed comfortable with it. He reminded her of Lorum and his giant axe.
‘I’m sure everyone is eager to see this fight, so he will compete against our beautiful Alera!’

Whatever noise came from the crowd, Alera couldn’t hear. At first she thought she heard the name wrong, but seeing her cage slowly opening up made her understand the cruel reality. They needed to fight. 

She started to tremble. How was this possible?! Asendriel only fought once so why was she put against him so fast? This never happened before. All the other prisoners she had to kill spent at least three or four weeks fighting other prisoners before they got to her.

She started walking towards him, delaying every step as her heart was beating, ready to crack open her chest. But even time and space seemed against her. After what felt like a single step, she was already a few feet away from him. 

They looked at each other and she realised this was the first time they saw each other, face to face this close. His high cheekbones and his angular jaw-line gave him a handsome look. His green eyes seem to glow, even in daylight, a trait met in all the blood elves, due to their contact with fel magic. But even now she couldn’t read any emotions in them. The only thing that hinted that something was going on in his head, behind his cold facade, was his slightly raised long eyebrow.

Alera didn’t hear when Baruing started the fight, but her body answered instinctively when her opponent entered the battle stance. She took out her daggers mechanically as Asendriel lifted his sword.

Her mind was blank and she searched desperately for a way out of this fight as she tried to focus on the battle. She decided to go with the flow for the moment. Baruing might suspect something if she hesitates.

They started circling each other. Even though she only saw him fight once, it was enough for her to understand the difference between them. She couldn’t attack carelessly.
After a full circle, the one who struck first was her.

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