On their way

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Alera sighed and clenched her fists. She wanted to fight with them more than anything. She wanted to be there when they found Asendriel. She wanted to see him again and at the mere thought of him, her chest tightened. She wanted to apologize to him.

But there was one more problem.

‘This settlement...Kargath...how far is it?’ she asked, almost knowing the answer. If it was close, someone might have found the arena by now. But no one did.

‘About three-four days walking distance.’, the guard replied.
‘It’s impossible to make it in time.’ she said bluntly. ‘Even if I find it and even if they agree to help us, it would take us a week to get back here.’

A week...time in which Baruing could do what he wants with them, if he captures them again. Or he could disappear from this zone forever if he manages to escape the arena. She looked at Tellor, but the guard responded again:

‘Not necessarily. Baruing has a gryphon in the east tower. It’s for his personal travel needs. If he is summoned and has to leave the arena, he flies where he’s needed. I know for sure the animal is still there, since I was on feeding duty two days ago. If you take him and fly, you should reach the Horde post in one or two hours. Unfortunately, it can only carry one person.’

Alera nodded and, measuring him from head to toe, added:

‘I’ll need a sword and directions.’

‘I will come with you.’, the guard added, but Alera refused, raising her hand.

‘No. I’ll move faster on my own.’

The guard sighed and handed her his weapon, hoping he could get another one back fast, and then instructed her. As soon as she got all the information, she thanked him and, turning to the other blood elf, looked him straight in the eyes.

‘You promised.’, was all she said as she turned and started running towards the tower.

Tellor watched her until she turned a corner and disappeared from his sight. He lingered just a few moments more, praying to the Light to keep her safe, before turning to the guard. They also had a job to do.

‘Where to?’, the blood elf asked.

‘The best guess would be the dungeons, since your general said he will free the other prisoners first.’

Tellor nodded and both of them started running towards the dungeons. The air grew tense and quiet as they got closer to their destination. While he did put up a brave front for Alera, their chances weren’t actually all that great. Even with all the prisoners and some of the guards on their side, they were still outnumbered and who knew what else Baruing had up his sleeve. He hoped that at least she would make it out safely. Whether or not the orcs from Kargath will come to their aid was an entirely different matter. From his knowledge, there weren’t so many soldiers stationed there, so, even if they agreed to help, they might not have enough men to do so.  And it would still take them time to get back to the arena.
The trail of his thoughts got severed out of nowhere by distant noises, coming closer and closer. As they continued running, he could make out angry yells and metallic sounds. It sounded like the prisoners were freed and as both of them took the last corner, they found themselves facing a full riot in the corridor. There were about twenty or twenty five prisoners and the majority of them were armed with bloodied swords, meaning that at least as many guards fell. They weren’t even close to the dungeons, but it looked like the prisoners advanced considerably and as soon as one of them spotted the two, he immediately pointed his sword at them. It was a dwarf.

‘Friend or foe?’ he asked, breathing heavily. His height didn’t even reach up to Tellor’s chest, but he was twice as wide, with muscular hands and a big ginger beard hanging almost down to his waist. He held his sword menacing, pointed at the blood elf’s neck.

‘I am no friend of that fiend, Baruing!’ Tellor responded.

‘Good answer, lad! And what about you, mister guard? Do you want to join yer friends laying on the floor?’, he continued, pointing the sword at the guard.

‘No, he’s with us!’ Tellor intervened quickly. He helped me and Alera escape!’

‘Dat so? And where is the little lass? We might need the Lady of Death on our side’, the dwarf said eyeing the guard before deciding to trust him. A few moments later, he lowered his sword and turned to the blood elf.

‘She’s on her way to the east tower to steal Baruing’s gryphon and fly to a Horde base to get help.

‘Aye, lad...I hope she makes it!. The name’s Thorag.’

‘Tellor.’, the blood elf responded.

‘Addas.’, added the human guard.

‘Thorag, where is the other blood elf? Have you seen him?’

‘Afraid not. Last time I saw him, he opened our cages in the dungeons. After that, he said he would go stop Baruing. We’re going after him now. The way was packed with lots of guards so we’re assuming Baruing is hiding at the end of all this chaos. Damn coward! The lads in the front might know a bit more.’ 

‘Thank you, my friend! I will check with them.’, Tellor said and, turning to Addas, he continued:

‘And you...Thank you! Without your aid, this wouldn’t have been possible. You have our gratitude!’
The guard nodded and without wasting any more time, the blood elf ran between the other prisoners, looking left and right for Asendriel, hoping to spot him, if not in the crowd, then, at least in the corridor. But he was nowhere in sight. With a heavy heart, as he reached the first prisoners, he started asking if anyone had seen him, but they all shook their heads, despondent.

So, he must be somewhere further on, he decided, but before he could take off and look for him, a small group of guards came running towards him from the opposite direction. They all looked angry and somehow alarmed and were saying something, but he couldn’t make out what, with all the comotion surrounding him.

As they got closer, some of their words reached him, confusing him: ‘...no one there…’

‘There’s no one there!’ one of them yelled, stopping to catch his breath. ‘Baruing’s study was destroyed and empty. He ran away before we could reach him. This was a diversion!’

‘And what about the other blood elf? Has anyone seen him??’ Tellor asked, impatient.

‘No, we didn’t see him.’ another prisoner replied.

‘But one of the guards babbled Baruing’s plan. He’s going to the east tower. He has a gryphon there!’

Tellor’s heart sank into his boots.

‘Are you sure? How long ago was this?’

‘Around thirty minutes, give or take?’

Tellor felt his world spinning. He turned around without a second thought and started running back the way he came. Baruing was going towards Alera. As he ran, he pushed the men in front of him out of his way, and, praying to the Light, he hoped to get to her before she met with Baruing.

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