Why am I here? How did I get here? Who am I?
I wish I could answer those questions, but I ask myself them every day.
Maybe I should describe my situation right now, and probably what I look like.
My appearance was of a 12 year old but I felt older. My hair was red, slightly darker then the colour of blood, about two quaters of the way down there was a thick black zigzag and tuffs of hair stuck out with black ends which made my hair look messy. My hair normally had a blue bobble that hung in the center of the black zigzag but that had fallen out ages ago. My eyes were blue, not the normal blue coloured eyes but a solid sapphire colour, and my pupils were cat-like. I once wore black trousers and hoodie but now they're nearly tattered rags. A small amount of blood trickled out of the corner of my mouth and various cuts and scars covered my body. My hands chained up above my head to make sure I couldn't move and didn't try to escape. Escape what? A dark cell.
The only thing I know is that my captors want to use me as a weapon. And the fact that I'm not human, I don't think I am anyway. I guess you can call me a shapeshifter? But I could only turn into these strange creatures.
My captors have forced me to fight others since the day I got here, hence all the injuries.
I snapped out of my train of thoughts when footsteps echoed down the halls.
I looked up when a figure stopped at the cell door, a slight growl escaped my throat.
"The Boss has decided to send you out on a mission again. Will you be a nice little monster and obey?" The figure teased, by the sound of it a male, when he heard my growling.
He took off what looked like a seal of the door and unlocked it. He walked closer and reached up to take off the chains.
He looked at my face then laughed, "You're quite a pretty little thing, if only you were older."
I only growled louder in reply. I didn't like this guy, I don't like anyone here, I want to kill them all. I dispelled my thoughts as I was shoved down the hallways.
I walked through the streets of a small farming village, dark spheres hovering above my hands and two males walking behind me. Every now and then I sent one flying towards a home and people ran away in fear.
I didn't want to do this but I had to, a device was attached to my ankle that would send an electrical current through my body if I didn't obey. My mission was to create havoc and chaos while the others stole what little valuables the village held. The two people that were following me made sure that I didn't disobey.
"I'm sorry..." I whispered sadly looking down. I knew it meant nothing.
"If you're sorry why are you doing it?"
The voice made me stop and look up.
A small kid stood in front of me. He was brave, lets say that.
I looked at him and just shook my head.
"What do you think you're doing? Kill this brat already!" The guy on my left ordered.
I spun round and my eyes widened, the dark orbs disappearing, "N-no! I can't do that! Making me destroy peoples homes is bad enough!"
The guy smiled, "Are disobeying orders? You know what will happen."
"You're here to do your job." The guy on the right, who had been quiet since leaving, spoke up.
"I had no choice in this matter! I-" I was cut off by a beeping sound then a sharp pain shot through my body starting from the device on my ankle. I screamed from the pain and nearly fell to the ground but just barely managed to stand.
"I said kill this brat!" The left guy repeated slowly, his voice deeper and more threatening.
"Y-yes sir..." I turned back around and looked at the kid, "Sorry..."
I ran forwards summoning the dark spheres again, this time the dark orbs stretched out and engulphed my hands making them look like claws. The long shadow like claws were aimed for the kids neck. He had his eyes closed bracing himself for the death blow.
No, I can't do this. I thought to myself then stopped just before the claws touched his neck.
"Run." My voice shook as I spoke. The kid opened his eyes and looked up at me, so I repeated myself this time louder and more forceful, "Run!"
He didn't need to be told a third time and ran off, but he looked back for a moment then continued to run.
I clenched a fist for a moment before turning to the two men, a low growl escaping my throat. Maybe I will kill them. They saw my expression and looked a little scared.
I ran towards them and heard a familiar beeping sound before another electrical current ran through my body. I winced from the pain but continued running towards them.
The next thing I knew my claws connected with flesh and blood plattered everywhere. The one I attacked dropped to the floor making slight gurgling noises before going limp and lifeless.
I looked over at the other one, my hair draped over my face and small splatters of blood stained my clothing and skin. It added to the scary effect, unfortunatly the guy kept the device on my ankle activated which drained alot of my energy.
I lunged forwards and ended his life just as quickly as the other one. As soon as his life faded so did the electrical current.
I sighed with relief and let the claws disappear. I felt exhaustion take over but shook it off and took my chance to escape.
I kept running until all of my energy was gone and ended up collapsing on the edge of a road.
Hopefully someone with find me. I don't want to die, not yet, not until I find out who I am. And hopefully it wont be anyone like those people I just escaped from... I couldn't finnish my thoughts before everything went black.
So hey, first chapter was shorter then I hoped but eh, they'll get longer. Anyway I won't update much because this is mainly for when I need a break from my other stories and I ain't that good at writing some of the Naruto characters. Oh, and pokemon won't appear much its just something to do with her past but you'll know if you have read at least one chapter of my Experiments story.

Dark Escape: Ninja
AdventureAria has no memories of her past. She soon joins the ninja academy after escaping from people that used her as a weapon for her strange abilities. At the same time she hopes she can regain her memories and shake the feeling that she's meant to be do...